Salt Hydrolysis Reaction of a salt with water that may change the pH of the water. Salts are ionic compounds derived from acids and bases So when dissolved in water salts may produce either: A neutral solution A basic solution An acidic solution
Salts that hydrolize water to produce alkaline sol’ns Consist of a cation of a strong base and a anion of a weak acid NaCH3COO Cation of NaOH Anion of CH3COOH
When this salt dissolves in water dissociation occurs. NaCH3COO Na+ + CH3COO- Water also ionizes H2O H+ + OH-
Acetic acid CH3COOH is formed AND it has a low Ka value and doesn’t ionize completely the H+ stays bonded NaOH can form BUT it stays completely ionized as Na+ and OH- Because it is a strong base If there are more OH- than H+ in solution the solution is considered BASIC!!!!!!!!!
Salts that hydrolyze water to produce acidic solns The salt of a strong acid and a weak base NH4Cl dissolved in water produces: NH4+ Cl- H+ and OH- Strong acid stays ionized Weak base bonds
Salts of a weak base and a weak acid may hydrolyze water, but pH needs to be tested. Salts of strong bases and strong acids do not hydrolyze water and form neutral solutions NaCl