SMALL MEMBERSHIP CHURCH LEADERSHIP Equip, Encourage & Support: for your church to be all it can be for Christ! With Deb Ketcham
Foundational Components Pastor said you didn’t need to active to join! Expectations of Membership Prayers Presence – worship & studies Gifts Service Witness so that in all things God will be glorified Priesthood of All Believers
Who Are You? Know yourself! Strength Finders poll DISC Myers-Briggs Spiritually Counseling Health of Your Church
Teach Teach leadership responsibilities Teach Spiritual Gifts Field Trips
Encourage and Equip Be Permission Giving Engage each person to be fully employed for Christ Listen, listen, and listen 5 Fruitful Practices Caution – over-functioning laity The Body of Christ works together!
Health Check Clean up something Clean out something Paint Try a variety of tasks before you begin a new mission or ministry.
Asset-Based Ministry Your church’s successes over the years Your building/property Your folks gifts, skills, abilities Associations, networks, connections What are the needs of your community? WHAT HAS GOD GIFTED US TO DO? Holy Conversations
Cautions: Be careful of burnout What works for one church will not necessarily work for the next View the various resources as part of your tool belt. There is no magic wand. There is no quick fix. Pray, pray, pray! There are no lone rangers.
Learn, Learn, Learn Review, Review, Review Start This, Stop That: Do the Things That Grow Your Church by Jim & Jennifer Cowart Unbinding the Heart: 40 Days of Prayer and Faith Sharing by Martha Grace Reese The New Adapters: Shaping Ideas to Fit Your Congregation by Jacob Armstrong with Adam Hamilton & Mike Slaughter
Resources NOW, Discover Your Strengths by Marcus Buckingham and Donald Clifton DISC – Understanding How Others Misunderstand You by Ken Voges & Ron Braund, Debbie Ketcham is a trainer. Personality Type and Religious Leadership by Roy Oswald & Otto Kroeger – Alban Institute
Resources Downloadable Spiritual Gifts Assessment at: Spiritual Direction – Downloadable Spiritual Gifts Assessment at:
Resources Peter Stienke – books on previous slide Guideline: For Leading Your Congregation through Cokesbury NETWORK: the right people. in the right places, for the right reasons, at the right time by Bruce Bugbee & Don Cousins Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations by Robert Schnase Holy Conversations: Strategic Planning as a Spiritual Practice for Congregations by Gil Rendle & Alice Mann
Build on the Solid Rock of Christ!
Thank you for stepping out in faith Thank you for stepping out in faith. Share the message of Christ with others, and be all you can be for Christ! Rev. Deb Ketcham 614-580-2382