Expression of α5β1-integrin enhances EboV GP-mediated infection of GD25 cells. Expression of α5β1-integrin enhances EboV GP-mediated infection of GD25 cells. (A) GD25 (GD) and β1GD25 (β1) cells were stained with Abs specific for α5- and β1-integrins, and the percentage of positive cells was measured by flow cytometry. (B) GD25 and β1GD25 cells were infected with VSV-GPΔ or VSV-G, and the percentage of infected cells was analyzed by flow cytometry. Data shown are the averages from 13 experiments. Error bars indicate SEM. *, P ≤ 0.03 relative to GD25 cells. (C) GD25 and β1GD25 cells were either untransfected or transfected with a plasmid encoding human CatL, and lysates were analyzed by immunoblotting for CatL. Kathryn L. Schornberg et al. PNAS 2009;106:19:8003-8008 ©2009 by National Academy of Sciences