story based learning for relationship based care Storyworlds Life: story based learning for relationship based care Important to Me – Connor Goes Swimming Sandra Smith and Esther Walker
What we are going to do 13.00 – 15.25 Why we are here How relationships support well-being - families Relationship based practice – families and professionals Reflection/learning/action Next steps
Storyworlds Life Storyworlds Life is a social enterprise offering a practical, flexible and enjoyable way to learn about relationships, their impact and the small changes that make a difference. Designed in collaboration with individuals, families, practitioners and educators, our story based tools draw on lived experience, policy and research. Their purpose is: to help all of us connect with what’s important, how our relationships support us and how we can strengthen them. to help different groups of people understand one another better and their roles in creating supportive environments. They are used by educators for student learning, by organisations for service improvement and by voluntary sector partners with individuals and families.
About one of our story based tools Important to Me: Connor Goes Swimming Achieving meaningful outcomes for children and young people
Designed to… Transform relationships between professionals, young people and their families so that…. Expertise of child and family acknowledged alongside expertise of professional Control is shared Assessment of risk is negotiated Action is shaped by what’s most important to the child and family Self-management, resilience and independence are promoted in the way support is provided
Murray and Melanie were involved in developing Important to Me - Connor Goes Swimming. Their very different experiences of mainstream school highlight the quality of (human) environment we all want our young people to enjoy.
Motivation Listening Support Expertise Outcomes Our conversations with families, young people and professionals revealed 5 key areas that, if people explore together, will transform relationships and thus the environment of support around the child/YP… Motivation Listening Support Expertise Outcomes
These are explored through stories (fictionalized drama, quotes, 1st person accounts)…
…inside a simple framework of questions and activities Safely open discussion Explore situations from different perspectives Share experience and views Identify what’s important and what needs to change If people have opportunity to listen to those they don’t usually listen to, ask questions they don’t usually ask and have conversations they don’t usually have, then attitudes and positions begin to shift.
Photographs Exercise In Groups of three 13.10 – 13.15 Chose a photograph and discuss What’s happening here? How are these people thinking and feeling?
Let’s try it out - Scene 1 Family relationships
I Important to Me: Connor Goes Swimming 13.15 – 13.20 Connor is a 7 year old boy who has become unhappy at school. His family tries to understand what’s happening and get the support he needs with the help of the school and health services.
Scene 1 – Its Saturday afternoon and Connor and his dad have just been out to the park. His mum is finishing a piece of writing for work.
What are your initial thoughts and feelings?
In groups of 3 13.20 – 13.30 How are Mike and Julia doing as parents? What is their relationship like?
Walk in My Shoes – In same groups of 3 13.30 – 13.40 Choose one of the characters – Mike, Connor or Julia and answer the following questions from this character’s point of view What is happening to me? How do I feel? Why do I feel that way? What do I want?
13.40 – 13.50 Take each character in turn and discuss…. How do these family relationships support or undermine your characters well- being?
Five Key Areas 13.50 – 14.00 Take each character in turn identify one of the five key areas in which a change is needed to better support their well-being… What do they need to do differently for themselves? What do they need from each other?
14.00 – 14.05 Break
Relationship based care – scene 5 Relationships between families and professionals
A Call from Children’s Services 14.05 – 14.15 Julia takes Connor to see the GP and he makes several referrals. Julia receives a call from the Children’s Services team in response to one of these referrals.
Scene 5 Listen to this scene from either Julia or Paula's perspective In 2 Groups Scene 5 Listen to this scene from either Julia or Paula's perspective
In your groups – discuss 14.15 – 14.20 What does Julia/Paula feel during this conversation? What is Julia/Paula trying to do? Does she succeed? What does Julia/Paula need that she is not getting? What does Julia/Paula think of the other? How might Julia/Paula report this conversation?
Each side take it in turn to tell what it is like for the other. In 2 Groups 14.20 – 14.30 Each side take it in turn to tell what it is like for the other.
In groups of 3 – thinking about your own practice 14.30 – 14.40 What should be the purpose of an initial conversation? What should a relationship based approach look like?
Now look again at the five key areas and identify 14.40 – 14.50 What is working well in this conversation and what needs to be done differently? What feedback would you give Paula?
Reflection, action planning and summary
In pairs (with your colleague) Reflection 14.50 – 15.00 In pairs (with your colleague) What connections do you make with your own experience? In terms of your own delivery of relationship based care what do you find most challenging? How might this approach help you?
Action 15.00 - 15.15 Use the action planning cards to help you think about What do I/we want to change? What do I/we have that will help What can I do differently? What would I like you to do differently? How will I/we know that change has happened? Jot thoughts down on a postcard and take this away with you.
Feedback for us 15.15 – 15.20 What worked well in this session? What could we have done differently? What did you learn/gain?
Summary and next steps