8Y 11-3-2014 Today’s Agenda: Do Now: Please pick up from the tray. Check Do Now Short Lesson on Ch 16.3 Read Ch. 16.3 Page 525 #1-2 all. Homework pg 525 #1-2 all
Ch 16.3 The War in the West Union Strategy in the West Take control of the Mississippi River cuts off the eastern part of the Confederacy from sources of food production in Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas. Vicksburg, Mississippi is a key city.
Commanders and Battles: General Grant Grant attacks Tennessee in February 1862. Takes: Fort Henry on the Tennessee R. Fort Donelson on the Cumberland R. Wins Battle of Shiloh Grant insists on unconditional surrenders. No deals.
Commanders and Battles: Admiral Farragut and the Union Navy Fall of New Orleans, April 1862: Farragut sneaks past the two forts guarding the city through camouflage and wrapping his 18 warships in chains for protection. He then sails up to take: Baton Rouge, Louisiana Natchez, Mississippi Heads for Vicksburg, Mississippi to meet Grant
Vicksburg, May 1863 Vital trade route and supply line on the Mississippi R. Taking this would allow the Union to control the Mississippi River and split the Confederacy into two. Set on top of 200 ft cliffs on the Mississippi. Great defensive location. Farragut’s guns can’t reach it. Grant can’t siege with soldiers because the city would rain down fire on them as they try to climb up. Grant surrounds and cuts off the city starvation and forced to surrender.
Graphic Summary
8X – Project in Computers
8Y Multimedia Project For our Civil War unit, you will not have to take a traditional pen and paper exam. Instead you will create a multimedia project. Create a question about one of the following topics. Then conduct research and gather evidence to find your answer. Use a variety of both primary and secondary sources. a question that compares John Brown to the Islamic State, the KKK, or other extremist group a question about Abraham Lincoln’s beliefs regarding slavery a question about the development of the role of the federal government. a question about the causes of the Civil War. A question about Civil War battles/technology. a question about social developments during the Civil War a question about a specific person important during the Civil War. I will give out more details about the format, sources, and a grading rubric later this week.