Forest lake Rangers Football Prepared by: COACH FERRARO
Varsity/JV Coaches Sam Ferraro – Head Coach, Offensive Coordinator, QB Chris Vogel – Running Backs. JV Richard Graves – Wide Receivers, JV Tony Harris – Offensive Line, JV Nick Ward – Defensive Coordinator, Safeties Garret Jantsch – Linebackers, JV Casey Irish – Corners, JV Mike White – Defensive Line, JV
9th/10th Grade Coaches Bill Porter – 10th Grade Ben Dahmes – 10th Grade Jason Knighton-Johnson – 10th Grade Erik Juvonen – 10th Grade Jaysin Hodges – 9th Grade Dan Holman – 9th Grade Mike Kaiser – 9th Grade Brett Brisbois – 9th Grade
Coach Ferraro’s Purpose: I coach to mold young men into people of character that will make their community proud, their parents proud, their teammates proud, their coaches proud, but most of all, to make themselves proud.
The second priority will be the weight room… Coach Ferraro’s Goal: TO WIN!!! First we must be eligible therefore the classroom will be the first priority. The second priority will be the weight room… Together, AS A TEAM. “A lifting program is the number one thing in a successful football program.” ~Jim Tressel and Jerry Kill
Forest Lake Rangers Football Philosophy Do what’s right! Do your best! Treat others as you want to be treated…ultimately meaning RESPECT! Do the little things right and the big things will come easy!
Forest Lake Rangers Football Philosophy Football (The ultimate goals – To have fun/To win): Football is a GAME! Practice hard and work to get better everyday Do your part…you may not be a starter but everyone has a role to make us a better TEAM! Know your plays Use proper technique No foolish penalties Develop and maintain trust
Forest Lake Rangers Football Philosophy School (The ultimate goal – obtain skills to be successful): Ask for help, Do your homework, Study…No Excuses! Develop good work habits Stay on task and follow class rules Sit in front (if there is not assigned seats) Put your cell phones away!
Forest Lake Rangers Football Philosophy Life (The ultimate goal – happiness and success): Respect your parents, family, the law and each other Community service Be accountable for your actions Treat others as you want to be treated Don’t act like you are better than anyone else
(Passion, Accountability, Commitment, Competition, Trust) 2018 Trust the Process P.A.C.C.T. (Passion, Accountability, Commitment, Competition, Trust)
Accountability According to an article in the Harvard Business Review In the weakest teams, there is no accountability In mediocre teams, bosses are the source of accountability In high performance teams, peers manage the vast majority of performance problems with one another
Football Conduct and Behavior Participation All student-athletes must meet MSHSL regulations in order to be eligible to participate in practice and competition. Athletes must also meet the school district’s minimum academic standards to be eligible to compete in competitions. Football Conduct and Behavior 1. Respect the game 2. No swearing 3. Hustle at all times 4. Positive chatter- no criticism on the field, no criticism of opponents 5. Always keep composure 6. Remember we are representatives of the school and community 7. NO HAZING 8. We are a team, we are family…act like it. On the field and off the field.
Academics This is why we are in school. Football is a privilege not a right. Student-athletes with a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or below will meet with me for morning “breakfast club” every Thursday at 6:30 AM (Exceptions may be made based on previous term and/or coaches discretion…player must set up meeting with coach if he feels he does not need to attend “breakfast club”) It is up to the player to talk to the coach ahead of time if he is going to miss. Failure to attend WILL effect a student-athletes playing time … as determined by the coaching staff (loss of starting privilege, loss of playing time, etc.). I do not take poor grades lightly! I WILL be checking grades periodically during the term. ANY report cards with one or more F’s OR two or more D’s will result in “breakfast club” for that week (and all following weeks until the grade(s) are raised to an acceptable level). Any student-athlete with a cumulative GPA of 1.5 or below will not play varsity until he can prove he can be successful in the classroom. A plan will be drawn up between the athletic director, coach and the player to determine future playing time.
School Conduct and Behavior 1. Follow all school rules 2. Treat staff and students with respect 3. Give your best effort on tests, projects, and assignments 4. Missing school means missing practice…Missing practice means missing games! Poor effort and behavior at or outside of school will not be tolerated. There will be disciplinary actions enforced by the coaching staff based on their discretion. The privilege to compete will be lost if instances are reoccurring. If a student-athlete has to serve a detention, they must let Coach Ferraro know beforehand. The athlete will not start in their game and not be allowed to play for at least an entire quarter (whether it be varsity, b-squad or c-squad). Missing due to disciplinary action is not acceptable and will not be tolerated.
Practice All participants are required to attend practice. It is understood that certain circumstances will arise however during the season. If an athlete is going to miss practice, they need to let Coach Ferraro know beforehand or it will be an unexcused absence. However, just because you let your coach know, it does not make your absence excused. Missing the day before a game will result in a minimum of not starting the next days game, regardless of reason. Examples of excused absences are illness, academics (with pre-approval), family emergencies, and doctor/therapy appointments. A coach must receive an email prior to the absence for it to be considered excused , not a message through another player.
Practice (Continued) If you do not attend school due to illness, emergencies, or an appointment, you MUST email your Head Coach the day of your absence. Family vacations/trips are considered as unexcused absences during the season. Note: WE WILL HAVE PRACTICE MEA Break. JV will also have a game on Thursday. Players are expected to be there Thursday. If a player misses practices and/or games for unexcused reasons over MEA, they may not be eligible for postseason awards. (All Conference, All Section, MVP, etc. and Lettering) and it WILL affect playing time during the playoff game and could result in not being on the Playoff Roster. Reminder…Family vacation is NOT excused.
Unexcused absences will be disciplined as followed (All discipline will be lead by captains) First – Four Big 3’s Second – Six Big 3’s and a loss of one quarter of competition. Third – Eight Big 3’s and a loss of one half of competition. Fourth – Ten Big 3’s and a loss of one whole contest. Fifth - Athlete will no longer be a part of the 2018 Rangers Football Team.
Requirement for a Varsity Football Letter: Must have no unexcused absences. Play in eight quarters of play while the game is in doubt: Coaches' decision. Seniors that have met requirement #1 for both their Junior and Senior year will letter without fulfilling requirement B. Coaches' discretion.
Practice Expectations Be on time. If you are not early, you are late. Tardiness will result in a minimum of one Big 3. A second offense will result in the entire team doing two Big 3’s. A third offense will result in the entire team doing three Big 3’s, a meeting with the player, the coaching staff and the captains to determine future punishment/dismissal. School ends at 2:30. We will have meetings or be on the field at 2:45. a. Get taped is not a reason to be late. WE WILL NOT BE LATE TO MEETING BECAUSE OF GETTING TAPED! c. If your equipment needs to get fixed, it needs to be done the previous day after practice. 3. Be dressed according to the daily practice schedule. 4. Over-Unders must be done before each practice by ALL players.
Practice Expectations (Cont.) Prepare outside of practice so that you are mentally and physically ready to give your best effort possible. Watch FILM! We will all lift THREE times a week. Missing lifting IS missing practice. Schedule will be determined based on team. Be coachable. Listen to your coaches’ directions and execute them to the best of your ability. Coachable athletes make successful teams. Stay positive. Learn from mistakes. Encourage and pick up one another in a positive way to make our Rangers Football Team more successful. No jewelry, watches or hats when we are participating in a football related activity. This includes (but not limited to) practice, games, meetings, lifting, etc. Be prepared for change in practice. Always have cleats and tennis shoes. You will not be able to lift in anything but tennis shoes. There are days we might have to do something inside and we MUST have tennis shoes. If you are not prepared for indoor practice (including lifting), this will be considered an unexcused absence.
Practice Expectations Typical week of practice for JV/Varsity (subject to change) Monday 2:45-4:45…Special Teams/JV and Varsity Lift/Film/Meeting Tuesday 2:45-5:45 PM… JV/V Practice Wednesday 6:45 AM… JV/Varsity Lift 2:45-5:45 PM … JV/V Practice Thursday 2:45 – 3:15… Varsity Film 3:30 – 5:00… JV/V Practice 5:15 - … JV/V Team Meal Friday Varsity Game Saturday 8:00-10:00 AM …V Lifting and film 10:00 …JV Game (Arrival time TBD)
Practice Expectations Typical week of practice for 9th/10th Grade (subject to change) Monday 2:45-5:30…Practice/Lift Tuesday 2:45-5:30 PM… Practice Wednesday 6:45 AM… Optional Lifting 2:45-5:30 PM … Practice Thursday Game Day Friday 2:45-5:30 PM … Practice (Lifting and Film) Potential 9B game depending on numbers Saturday 8:00-10:00 AM …V Lifting and film (Option to watch film with V) 10:00 …JV Game (Arrival time TBD) (Some 10th may be asked to play)
Parent/Coach Communication--Conflict Resolution Player/Position (Grade Level) Coach talk Player/Head Coach talk Player and Parent meet with Head Coach and Position Coach My first question to any parent that calls or emails will be “Did your son talk to his position coach about this concern?” “Did he talk to me about his concern?” I believe in communicating with my players. Often times they know the answer to the questions parents are asking the coach. If they don’t, they should talk to us FIRST. ***Any communication regarding football between a parent and a coach WILL be shared with the player.
TEN COMMANDMENTS OF FOOTBALL PARENTS Be positive with our athlete. Let them know they are accomplishing something simply by being a part of the team. Do not put them down. Do not offer excuses for them if they are not playing. Encourage them to work and do their best. Do not put coaches down. Remember, the coach represents the “boss”, the “authority”, the “parent”, the “teacher” and the “law”. If you are bad mouthing your athlete’s coaches constantly, how can you expect your child to play for them? 4. Encourage your athlete to follow the rules. Whether they are a first stringer or a seventh stringer, players must follow rules. 5. Insist on good grades. If they do not have passing grades, they do not play
TEN COMMANDMENTS OF FOOTBALL PARENTS (cont.) Do not try to live vicariously through your athlete. Do not show animosity or jealousy to any of your athlete’s teammates. This type of envy can rub off on your athlete and devastate the team. Who cares as long as everyone does their job to the fullest? Do not be a know it all. The coaches’ work with the players several months a year and they know what each kid can do and what they cannot do. As a fan you are entitled to cheer your head off, but please do not become belligerent and arrogant toward the players or officials. They are amateurs. Coaches know their talent. Respect that knowledge. Insist on your athlete’s respect for team rules, school rules, game officials, and sportsmanship. Do not let them make fools of their family, school, and team by some “uncalled-for” gesture. Self-respect begins with self-control.
TEN COMMANDMENTS OF FOOTBALL PARENTS (cont.) Encourage your athlete to improve their self-image by believing in themselves. Every person has been created with worth and value. Always remind your athlete of this fact. Do not compare or contrast your athlete with family members who played previously. Every youngster is different. Encourage your athlete to play for the love of the game-not for a scholarship or something that is in the hands of college recruiter. Insist on unselfishness. Usually good things happen to unselfish and hard-working people. If you have issues with the program, please set up a meeting. Myself and another member of my staff will sit down and talk. Please do not send emails putting down program. If an email is more than a paragraph, I will read it but I will not get in an email war...please set up a meeting.
Communication Emails Twitter @FLRangersFB Players…Check your Email daily! I will use ONLY school emails Parents Sign up for Booster Club email Twitter @FLRangersFB
Equipment Handout Thursday, August 2, 2018 7:30 AM… Any Player that has not yet gotten their equipment Personal Equipment Requirement Maroon Sleeves/Maroon Socks/No Neon Shoes Mouth Guards Girdles (We have some to buy $25)
Fundraising Total Goal-$60,000 If you have not tried your fair share, then pick up a pack from the Booster Club on your way out. We have two major fundraisers: Ranger Cards-starts tonight (Blitz Night-August 20th) Goal - $43,000 Snap E-letter writing campaign (August 13-August 17) Goal - $17,000 Total Goal-$60,000
Fundraising (Why?) Meals, Banquet, Hudl, Additional Coaches (4 coaches), End of year awards, Cameras (fix and new), Clinics, Training, Statistics, Outdated Equipment, Uniforms, Other Upgrades, etc. As of right now…we need to catch up!
Requirement for Future Varsity Football Captains: Candidates may not have had a chemical violation suspension in the past two years (chemical violation while captain will result in immediate loss of captainship). Candidates must have a 2.0 GPA or higher. Must attend 90% of Leadership Meetings ~The coaching staff will have final approval.
Favorite Quotes “In order to have a winner, the team must have a feeling of unity; every player must put the team first ahead of personal glory.” ~ Paul Bear Bryant “People who work together will win, whether it be against complex football defenses or the problems of modern society.” ~Vince Lombardi “The decisions you make will tell us how committed you are to this family” ~Tom Herman "There are only two options regarding commitment. You're either IN or you're OUT. There is no such thing as life in-between." ~Pat Riley
Thank you very much for your time! Go Rangers!!!
The following information is only for those that plan on continuing with football beyond high school. If you (your son) is not interested in playing college football, you can stop the slide show now.
NCAA Eligibility Requirements Student-athletes who want to participate in Division I or II athletics during their first year of enrollment in college must register with the NCAA Initial Eligibility Clearinghouse. The Clearinghouse will determine a student’s eligibility by his/her grade point average in core classes and college entrance exam scores. Students may register online at
Class of 2015 and beyond needs to have 10 of the 16 core courses in English, math, natural/physical sciences completed prior to senior year and to complete the core curriculum with a 6.9 GPA (2.3 on a 4-point scale).
The current Division II core GPA requirement is a minimum of 2. 000 The current Division II core GPA requirement is a minimum of 2.000. Division II core GPA required to be eligible for competition on or after August 1, 2018, is 2.200 (corresponding test-score requirements are listed on the Sliding Scale on Page No. 2 of this sheet). The minimum Division II core GPA required to receive athletics aid and practice as a partial qualifier on or after August 1, 2018, is 2.000 (corresponding test-score requirements are listed on the Sliding Scale on Page No. 2 of this sheet). Remember, the NCAA core GPA is calculated using NCAA core courses only.
For more information on Forest Lake High School specific classes: Google: ncaa high school portal Or Go to:
Highlight Film Recruiters Visits Finally…be careful with social media