Water (1) Chemical reactions that keep organisms alive need to occur in water (2) 70% of cells is made of water (3) Humans can survive 3 days without water
Air (1) Plants need carbon dioxide to make food in photosynthesis (2) Plants & animals need oxygen to release energy from food in cellular respiration
Cellular Respiration (1) Process for plants & animals to obtain energy using oxygen (O2) and food (C6H12O6) (2) produces energy (ATP) from food and gives off carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O)
Photosynthesis (1) Process for plants to make food by using energy from sun, water (H2O) , and carbon dioxide (CO2) (2) produces food (C6H12O6) and oxygen (O2)
Space (& Shelter) (1) Must provide all the things an organism needs to stay alive such as food, water, air sunlight, mates and SHELTER, protection from the elements
Food (1) source of energy (2) source of raw materials to make or repair cells and to carry out life processes
Different ways of obtaining food (1) Producers – make own food using sun, water and carbon dioxide (2) Consumers – obtain food by eating other organisms (3) Decomposers – obtain food by breaking down dead organisms
Animal Needs Plant Needs Water Air (oxygen) Space Shelter Food Water Air (carbon dioxide & oxygen) Space Shelter Food