Visual Media and Marketing Region Training Conference 2018 Name, Position
VISUAL MEDIA Media the primary means of mass communication Visual Media includes Photography, Videography, Graphic Design, Fashion, Architecture, and etc.
Photography Definition What is the relevance? The art of taking and processing photos What is the relevance? Preserves memories from an event Can be created by any person with access to a camera Can be used in conjunction with other media
Videography Definition What is the relevance? The art of making video films What is the relevance? Preserves memories/moments; Can be created by anyone; Can be used in conjunction with other forms of media A more engaging form of media that can be made more unique and creative
Graphic Design Definition What is the relevance? The art of combining images, words, and ideas What is the relevance? Flexible marketing tool Widely used for marketing
Editor Tips Visual media triad What you should keep in mind Photo editing, video editing, and graphic design What you should keep in mind Use what you have (BEE resourceful!) Find inspiration from friends and social media to improve your art Reflect on how your audience reacts in order to improve your work Photo Editing - for adjusting look of image, cropping Video - to trim content or join other clips together Graphic Design - making graphic artwork or other publications
MARKETING Good marketing is about good communication! BEE good at communication!
Tools Tools Cameras Computers Tips Phone, DSLR, Point & Shoot Accessories, such as tripods, are helpful! Computers Tips Don’t just aim for the biggest and most expensive tools, BEE creative with what you can afford Cameras: - Nowadays, many people own simple camera or smart phones. You don’t need expensive tools to have good content.
Applications Photo Editing Video Graphic Design Adobe Lightroom; VSCO (for Smart Phones) Video iMovie or Windows Movie Maker; Premiere Pro; Final Cut Pro; Sony Vegas Graphic Design (for beginners); Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator; Inkscape These are just examples! Use what’s available to you.
Branding Definition Why is it relevant? Name, slogan, sign, symbol, design, or a combination that identifies and gives consistency to a group or organization Why is it relevant? Helps the audience easily identify the group or item (ex. the Key Club Seal identifies Key Club)
Graphic Standards What makes Key Club, Key Club? Wordmark Seal Fonts Colors Borders Refer to the Cyber Key for more! KCI: CNH: _Standards.pdf
Social Media Social Media is incredibly popular, being used by many around the globe Accounts to use for appropriate and effective marketing Facebook; Instagram; Twitter; YouTube BEE safe and keep private info. to yourself. (Refer to SafeKEY initiative!)
District Updates Stay updated! Facebook: @calinevhakeyclub Instagram: @cnh_keyclub Twitter: @CNHKeyClub YouTube: CNH Key Club Reflector Groups > Resources > Reflector Groups
Questions? Comments? Concerns?
Acknowledgements The CNH Key Club District would like to acknowledge the following individuals who have contributed to this presentation over the years. Kelly Tran, District Visual Media Editor, 2017-2018 Nathaniel Banlusak, Communications & Marketing Committee Chair, 2018-2019