Roles for Palestinian Israeli Conflict
Benjamin Netanyahu Benjamin Netanyahu Current Prime Minister of Israel Former soldier Not religious Educated in America and speaks perfect English Believes strongly in preserving the Jewishness of Israel and Israel’s security
Israeli Soldiers Due to Israel’s small population, every person serves in the military for at least 2 years. There are exceptions Israeli-Arabs Orthodox Jews (though this is changing) As a result, many Israelis stay in the military for their entire lives. They believe very strongly that Israel’s security is the most important issue facing their country. Most are pro-Settlement, believe in keeping Jerusalem as the capital, and that Arabs displaced in 1947 should not be allowed to return.
Secular, Non-Religious Israelis (80%) Jewish by ethnicity only. Mostly of European descent. Politically liberal. Share many European values. Not religious. The holy sites in Jerusalem mean very little to them, except perhaps for historical reasons. Group most willing to work with the Palestinians. Prefer a two-state solution. Believe that the Palestinians should have their own country. Very educated. Believe that Israel should give up settlements in the West Bank because it will help bring peace.
Moderate, Religious Jews (14%) Jewish in ethnicity and religion. Go to synagogue on Saturday, but have normal jobs throughout the week. May observe some, but not all, of the clothing and diet restrictions of Judaism. Believe in security for Israel, protecting access to the Western Wall for Jews, keeping Jerusalem as the capital. Generally accept that a two-state solution is necessary, but only on the condition of Palestinian good behavior. Not radical in any of these beliefs.
Ultra-Orthodox Jews (6%) Extremely religious. Don’t have jobs – study Jewish scripture full-time. Adhere strictly to dress and diet restrictions. Don’t serve in military. Want to replace the Dome of the Rock with a new Temple on the Temple Mount. Believe in a one-state solution and in seizing all of the remaining land in Israel from the Palestinians.
Ethiopian Jews Large Jewish communities in Ethiopia existed after the Roman diaspora. Largely settled in southern Israel, in the Negev Desert. Treated like second class citizens by other Israelis. Poor and uneducated. Prefer that the fighting stops so that the economy can improve. Mostly want other Israelis to treat them as equals.
Russian Israelis Jews who are ethnically Russian. Mostly immigrated after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. What was happening in 1991? The First Intifada. There was a shortage of available housing in Israel, so many of them moved to the settlements in the West Bank and Gaza. Most pro-Settlement Israelis. Very anti-Palestinian.
Mahmoud Abbas, Current President of Occupied Palestine Born in Galilee, Northern Israel, in 1936. Who controlled Palestine then? Joined the PLO as a young man and fought against Israel. Rose through the ranks and became the leader of the PLO when Yasser Arafat died. More moderate now in his old age. Believes that co-operation with Israel is important. Also working with the UN to find a peaceful solution and pressuring Israel to withdraw from the West Bank and Gaza.
Moderate, Arab Muslims Make up most of the population, around 80%. Ethnically Arab, religiously Sunni Muslim. Accept the existence of the state of Israel, but against the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza. Violence against settlers justified. Holy sites in Jerusalem very important. Many of them the grandchildren of the people who fled Israel in 1947 during the “Nakba” and want to return to their rightful land in Israel. Dislike Hamas because of how extreme Hamas is.
Educated, Non-Religious Arab Ethnically Arab and culturally Muslim, but not practicing. Well educated. Palestine has one of the highest rates of college educated populations in the Arab world. Open to working with the Israelis and believe in non-violent protest. Holy sites in Jerusalem not important to them, except in historical context.
Hamas Originally terrorist organization that arose in the First Intifada. Won elections to take control of Gaza in 2007 and now runs Gaza as the legitimate government. Has its own military. Vows to destroy the state of Israel and wipe it off the face of the earth.
Christian Arabs Ethnically Arab but religiously Christian. Persecuted by Arab Muslims, but not accepted into Israeli society. Around 1-2% of the population. Used to be 10% during the Ottoman rule. Many have simply fled to other countries. Just want to be treated fairly by everyone.