Networking Specialization Overview Prof. Geoffrey Xie email:, office: GE-125 22 Aug 2018
Networking Faculty Members Geoff Xie, PhD ( Network design, network management, software defined networks, cloud security, intrusion detection, tactical networks Rob Beverly, PhD ( Network and systems architecture, large-scale traffic analysis, Internet measurement, network defense by deception, IPv6 ( Justin Rohrer, PhD ( Resilient and disruption tolerant networks, airborne networks, GENI (Global Environment for Network Innovation Dennis Volpano, PhD ( Software defined networks, network modeling, security
Networking Courses CS 3502: Introduction to Computer Networks part of CS core matrix CS 4552: Network Design and Programming hands-on experience of building and administrating network protocols and services CS4554: Network Modeling and Analysis how to model and evaluate performance of networks CS4558: Network Traffic Analysis applied large-scale analysis, inference, and characterization of network traffic for engineering, security, policy, and optimization Tactical Networking (Special topic course)
Thesis topics currently offered by Prof. Xie Prof. Geoffrey Xie, GE-125 22 Aug 2018
Recent Student Publications Blauwkamp, Xie, and Nguyen, “Toward a Deep Learning Approach to AIS Traffic Anomaly Detection,” Paper draft under review for a conference, July 2018 Peppas, Xie, and Prince, “ferify: A Virtual Machine File Protection System against Zero-Day Attacks,” NPS Technical Report. Earlier work presented at Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, Orlando, FL, December 2017. Lukaszewski, Xie, “Multipath Transport for Virtual Private Networks,” 10th USENIX Workshop on Cyber Security Experimentation and Test, Vancouver, Canada, August 2017 Fortner, Xie, “DSSR: Balancing Semantics and Speed Requirements in Packet Trace Replay,” Proc. IEEE International Conference on Communications, Paris, France, May 2017 (Received Best Paper award) Bairley, Xie, "Orchestrating Network Control Functions via Comprehensive Trade- off Exploration," Proc. IEEE NFV-SDN Conference, Palo Alto, CA, November 2016. (Received Outstanding Paper award)
Topic 1: Software Defined Networks How to leverage this technology for designing and managing tactical and datacenter networks? Specific topics: (1) Design of tactical networks (2) Protection of SDN networks through protocol dialecting Three ongoing theses on shipboard network design, SDN federation, and distributed firewall
Topic 2: Augmentation of Deep Learning with Logic Rules How to Use logic rules to enhance performance of deep neural networks in classification & automation? Specific topics: (1) Port defense via mining AIS data: Learn normal baseline for AIS communication and ship routes (2) Acceleration of reinforcement learning: Develop a new Pong game AI leveraging physical laws
Topic 3: Ad Hoc Networking How to enhance data communication involving multiple unmanned systems? A new research proposal to ONR, in collaboration with the Mechanical Engineering Department
Topic 4: VM Security How to leverage the hypervisor’s independent vantage point to secure files hosted on an VM even after the VM has been root-kitted (zero day attacks)?