Greece Section 2 p 236-241
Athens- Types of Gvt. 1. Kings ruled- monarchy Oligarchy- ruled by aristocrats - served as generals and judges - common people had little power democracy- absolute/ direct - all citizens (free men) could participate in government - all citizens could speak, create laws, serve on juries, and decide court cases
Important Leaders
Draco Ruled in the 600’s Created harsh set of laws People rebelled- failed
Solon Ruled in the 590’s Created a new set of laws- less harsh Gave rights to all free men- citizens
Peisistratus Ruled in 546 BC Overthrew oligarchy Tyrant- good leader Peace and prosperity in city/state Built temples and monuments New festivals After death- returned to oligarchy
Cleisthenes Ruled in 500BC Overthrew government Created first democracy
Pericles Ruled between 460-429 BC Want pride in city/state- building projects, support arts Pay people who served on juries or as officials Expand democracy
Athens- End of Power 330 BC – conquered by Macedon Democracy with limited power Macedonian king ruled like dictator 320 BC - king ends democracy
Compare Athens/USA Athens- pure absolute democracy Citizens are free men only every citizen speaks, votes, etc. USA- representative democracy Men and women can participate we choose representatives to make laws Congress 1. Senate 2. House of Representatives