The Taking of Human Life Applying the Basic Principles
Suicide Moral Immoral Person has the rights over his or her own body Person should have the freedom to make decisions over his or her own body Up to the individual to determine worth of life Always irrational Religious argument is that only God can create or end life Lots of questions, removes human responsibility Other forms of murder will follow
Killing in Defense Moral Immoral People have obligations to protect the innocent Good of defending the innocent outweighs the bad of killing a murderer Humans are capable of violating all five basic principles Violence breeds violence Taking of human life is always wrong
War Moral Immoral Population control Mother of invention Unifying factor and economic boost Sometimes a necessary evil – no such thing as a moral conflict Violation of Value of Life principle Useless killing, especially of innocents Destruction always outweighs gain Can be dealt with peacefully Nuclear war always indefensible
Terrorism Moral Immoral When people are oppressed or angry, nonviolent means have not worked, they feel they must resort to violence, cause is more important Excessive violence, involving the loss of innocents, cannot be condoned, never morally just
Capital Punishment and Theories Retributive Theory Punishment should be given only when it is deserved and to the extent which it is deserved Utilitarian Punishment justified only if it brings about good consequences for everyone Restitution Justice served only when the victim of a crime is provided compensation All acceptable or lacking on capital punishment depending on perspective
Capital Punishment Moral Immoral Deterrent for the killer and others Less costly than imprisonment Gives force to laws Murderer has forfeited rights to be treated ethically Rehabilitation often infeasible Fairness Direct violation of Value of Life Doesn’t bring back killer’s dead victims or recompense the survivors No proof of deterrence Possible to wrongly execute an innocent person Wealth may play a role in a trial Eliminates rehabilitation and adds cost of life in situation
Capital Punishment Debate