CPCP 2018-2019 NPQH 2018-2019 1.


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Presentation transcript:

CPCP 2018-2019 NPQH 2018-2019 1

Cyflwyniad Introduction Rhaglen genedlaethol Yn cael ei chyflwyno’n rhanbarthol gan y Consortia Introduction National programme Regionally delivered by the Consortia Importance of headship: School leadership is widely seen as second only to classroom teaching as an influence on pupil learning. The National Model ensures consistency as Regions deliver ‘regionally’ The Welsh Government requires all Headteachers within Wales for all those appointed to their first substantive headship in a school maintained by a Local Authority (including nursery schools) and in non-maintained special schools, to hold the NPQH. In May 2017 the Cabinet Secretary said: “While I recognise that in some areas recruiting headteachers is not without issue, I am not prepared to compromise on the quality of entrants to headship in Wales. I believe we need to set the bar high for those we entrust with the leadership of our schools. So, whilst I recognise that the NPQH needs to develop, I am clear that we should maintain the requirement and keep it as a threshold for entry into headship.” This was reinforced by the statement from the National Mission (2017 – 2021) that states “A revised National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH) becomes available to support the new Professional Standards for Teaching and Leadership and to better equip leaders to plan for the new curriculum”. (Autumn 2018)

Beth yw’r CPCP? What is the NPQH? Asesiad trylwyr yn erbyn y Safonau Arweinyddiaeth Ffurfiol (Medi 2018) Yn rhoi ffocws ar dystiolaethu ymarfer proffesiynol What is the NPQH? Rigorous assessment against the Formal Leadership Standards (September 2018) Focus on evidencing professional practice Therefore in Wales we want to ensure that only the best practitioners become our headteachers of the future. The NPQH is a rigorous assessment of practitioners against the Formal Leadership Standards. The focus is on the required skills and attributes of headship as articulated in the Standards and you will need to show how your professional practice to date meets those Standards.

A ddylwn gyflwyno cais am y CPCP? Should I apply for the NPQH? Prifathrawiaeth yw cam nesaf fy ngyrfa Rwyf eisiau bod yn bennaeth a byddaf yn chwilio’n frwd am fy swydd barhaol gyntaf Rwyf yn gallu arddangos fy nghyrhaeddiad yn erbyn y Safonau Arweinyddiaeth Ffurfiol. Should I apply for the NPQH? Headship is my next career step I want to be a headteacher and will be actively seeking my first substantive post I can demonstrate my attainment against the Formal Leadership Standards Can you agree with these statements? If yes you should consider applying, if not you should not apply at this time. The NPQH is for those that are ready for headship and want to take that career step now.

A wyf yn barod am brifathrawiaeth? Gwerthuswch eich ymarfer proffesiynol yn erbyn y Safonau Arweinyddiaeth Ffurfiol drwy ddefnyddio’r Adolygiad Safonau Arweinyddiaeth (ASA) Trafodwch eich ASA gorffenedig gyda cydweithwyr Am I ready for headship? Evaluate your professional practice against the Formal Leadership Standards using the Leadership Standards Review (LSR) Discuss your completed LSR with colleagues The LSR is available electronically on consortia websites. When you have completed your LSR discuss this and your career aspirations with other professionals including peers, line manager, headteacher and consortium/LA representatives.

Cofiwch Yn ail-gyflwyno cais? A ydych wedi gweithredu ar eich adborth? Dylai hyn fod yn amlwg yn eich ASA Remember Repeat applicants, have you acted on your feedback? This should be evident in your LSR If you have failed at the assessment stage you need to have taken steps to address your development needs as noted in your feedback before applying again.

ASA LSR Explanation of LSR

What is the NPQH process? Beth yw proses y CPCP? Cyflwyno cais Hysbysu Cefnogaeth a Datblygiad Asesiad What is the NPQH process? Application Notification Support and Development Assessment

Cyflwyno cais Applying Dylech drafod eich cais â'r ASA a'ch Pennaeth, a fydd, o bosibl, am ei drafod â'r Ymgynghorydd Her. Os ydych wedi cael cytundeb eich Pennaeth, bydd yn llenwi ac yn llofnodi'r cais ac yn ei ddychwelyd atoch. Rhaid i chi anfon eich cais ymlaen a ASA i'r Consortiwm cyn 1pm ar y dyddiad y cytunwyd arno. Bydd y Consortiwm yn trefnu i'r Swyddog Cymeradwyo ystyried y cais a gwneud argymhelliad. Applying You should discuss your application and LSR with your Headteacher who may wish to discuss it with the Challenge Adviser. Where you have the agreement of your headteacher they sign and complete the application and return it to you. You must forward your application to the Consortium before 1pm on the agreed date. The consortium arranges for the Endorsing Officer to consider the application and make a recommendation. REMINDER YOU ARE READY NOW!!!!! To assist in this the prospective candidate should evaluate their professional practice against the Formal Leadership Standards using the LSR and upon completion discuss this evaluation with their Headteacher. Schools should only support candidates with senior management responsibilities that have a significant impact on whole school improvement. Should the Headteacher agree that the individual is at a stage where headship is a realistic next step then the candidate should submit an endorsed application form to their regional NPQH co-ordinator. The application will then be forwarded for further consideration to a nominated Challenge Adviser / Senior Challenge Adviser, and if in agreement to the Local Authority for endorsement. It will be a requirement for the nominated Challenge Adviser / Senior Challenge Adviser to interview candidates prior to any recommendation to the Local Authority. Where the candidate’s application is endorsed they will proceed onto the NPQH programme. Where a candidate has not been supported to progress, they should meet with the Headteacher and Challenge Adviser / Senior Challenge Adviser to discuss the individual’s future development requirements and needs. Those not successful will be offered alternative appropriate professional learning by their Headteacher. It is recognised that some candidates may not be accredited with the award but will be leaders in the future. Within our regional consortia there will be future development opportunities available for these candidates. It is imperative that Local Authorities are involved at an early stage in the NPQH selection process, in order to assess candidates’ suitability for appointment to headship within three years of achieving NPQH.

Hysbysiad Notification Rhoddir gwybod i bob ymgeisydd am ganlyniad ei gais. Yn dilyn argymhelliad y Swyddog Cymeradwyo, rhoddir gwybod i'r ymgeiswyr pwy fydd eu Hyfforddwr Arweinyddiaeth, ynghyd ag amserlen y Rhaglen CPCP. Notification All applicants are notified of the outcome of their application. Following the recommendation of the Endorsing Officer candidates are notified of their Leadership Coach and the timetable of the NPQH Programme. REMINDER YOU ARE READY NOW!!!!!

Cefnogaeth Diwrnod Ffurfiol (1 diwrnod) Hyfforddwr Arweinyddiaeth Profiad Arweinyddiaeth (PE) Paratoi at y Ganolfan Asesu Rhwydweithio Support Formal Day (1 day) Leadership Coach Leadership Experience (LE) Assessment Centre Preparation Networking The development programme will consist of: • Formal Day that addresses the key components of Headship – to include standards, National Mission, Schools as Learning Organisations and guidance on specific elements of NPQH (1 day). • Support of a Leadership Coach (LC) who will meet with each designated candidate in a 1-1 session to discuss LSR and agree the Leadership Experience (ILE) (minimum half day). • Leadership Coaches will also organise joint sessions where ‘small group’ networking opportunities will be provided. The LC will build the sessions around common themes and issues as identified by the candidates. It is expected there will be the equivalent of between 2 and 3 days per group. A cross consortia Coaching and Mentoring Programme will be implemented from September 2018 • Undertaking an Leadership Experience that will involve leading a particular element of whole school improvement that utilises the most recent research findings and leadership skills. For support officers and assessment panel members all current HTs According to phase language etc JH contact SCA and asks for names of HTs SO support within LA usually and assessment panel members assess outside LA except in Welsh and special

Cefnogaeth Bydd hyfforddwyr arweinyddiaeth yn darparu cymysgedd o sesiynau unigol a hyfforddi grŵp. Bydd nifer o ymgeiswyr yn cael eu dyrannu i bob Hyfforddwr Arweinyddiaeth. Support Leadership coaches will provide a mix of one to one and group coaching sessions. A number of candidates will be allocated to each Leadership Coach Candidates are provided with support from an experienced headteacher to help them prepare their evidence for assessment and to help prepare for the assessment centre. The NPQH is a great opportunity to network with your peers and they will be an important source of support. One to one sessions will provide the opportunity for bespoke coaching and provide an opportunity for the candidate to discuss more personal ans sensitive matters. Group coaching sessions can lead to the sharing of ideas, co-coaching and collective problem solving , providing the opportunity to learn from others.

Gweithio gyda’r Hyfforddwr Bydd ymgeiswyr yn: Gweithio gyda Hyfforddwr Arweinyddiaeth hyfforddedig i gytuno, cynllunio, adolygu a gwerthuso eu Profiad Arweinyddiaeth (PA). Cymryd rhan mewn sesiynau a drefnwyd gan yr Hyfforddwr Arweinyddiaeth Cael eu cefnogi gan Hyfforddwr Arweinyddiaeth er mwyn paratoi ar gyfer yr Asesiad ffurfiol. Working with Coach Candidates will: Work with a trained Leadership Coach to agree, plan, review and evaluate their Leadership Experience (LE) Participate in sessions as organised by the Leadership Coach Be supported by a Leadership Coach to prepare for the formal Assessment. Graphs etc all included in Word count

Profiad Arweinyddiaeth Bydd y PE yn rhan annatod o’r Cynllun Datblygu/Gwella Ysgol ac yn cael ei gytuno rhwng y Pennaeth a’r Ymgynghorydd Her. Bydd yr ymgeisydd yn dod yn gyfarwydd â’r ymchwil diweddaraf ynglŷn â’r maes hwn o waith a’i gynnwys yn y cynllun lle bo’n briodol. Yn y Panel Asesu, bydd yr ymgeisydd yn amlinellu’r camau gweithredu a wnaed, effaith y datblygiad hyd yn hyn a sut mae ei sgiliau arweinyddiaeth wedi datblygu o ganlyniad i hyn. Leadership Experience The LE will be an integral part of the School Development/Improvement Plan and will be agreed between the Headteacher and the Challenge Adviser. The candidate will familiarise themselves with the latest research regarding this area of work and where appropriate incorporate into the plan. At the Assessment Panel the candidate will outline the actions taken, the impact the development has had and how their leadership skills have developed as a result. Graphs etc all included in Word count

Asesiad Defnyddir tystiolaeth o'r cyfweliad i roi sicrwydd i'r panel fod pob ymgeisydd yn cyrraedd y Safonau Proffesiynol Ffurfiol ac yn ymgeisydd credadwy ar gyfer prifathrawiaeth. Rhaid i ymgeiswyr gyflwyno tair dogfen cyn mynd i'r Ganolfan Asesu erbyn y dyddiad y cytunwyd arno. Crynodeb o'r Profiad Arweinyddiaeth. (1 dudalen A4 – templed). Proffil gyrfa cryno. (1 dudalen A4 – templed). Copi electronig o’r ASA (pdf) Assessment Evidence from interview is to assure the panel that each candidate meets Formal Leadership Standards and is a credible candidate for headship. Candidates must submit three documents prior to the Assessment Centre by the agreed date. A summary of the Leadership Experience. (1 page of A4 - template) A summary career profile. (1 page of A4 - template). An electronic copy of the LSR (pdf) Word counts????

Y Ganolfan Asesu Beth gaiff ei asesu? Meini prawf asesu o’r Safonau Arweinyddiaeth Ffurfiol Ffocws cadarn ar: Eich 'Parodrwydd ar gyfer rôl Pennaeth’ Tri ‘Llinyn Craidd’ Caiff cwestiynau cyfweliad eu llunio ar sail y Safonau Proffesiynol Ffurfiol, yr ASA a'r templedi a gyflwynwyd. The Assessment Centre What will be assessed? Assessment criteria derived from the Formal Leadership Standards A firm focus on: Your ‘Readiness for Headship’ Three ‘Core Strands. Interview questions are drawn from the Formal Leadership Standards, the LSR and submitted templates.

Beth yw’r Llinynnau Craidd? What are the Core Strands? Llinyn Craidd A: Rôl broffesiynol y Pennaeth Llinyn Craidd B: Dysgu Proffesiynol Llinyn Craidd C: Profiad Proffesiynol What are the Core Strands? Core Strand A: The professional role of the Headteacher Core Strand B: Professional Learning Core Strand C: Professional Experience

Canolfan Asesu Assessment Centre Bydd gan ymgeiswyr 2 gyfweliad gan yr un panel, gydag egwyl ar gyfer lluniaeth. Cyfweliad 1: Cyfweliad proffesiynol, gan gynnwys cyflwyniad ar 'Pam yr wyf yn barod i fod yn Bennaeth'. Cyfwelid 2: Profiad Proffesiynol gan gynnwys cyflwyniad ar 'Fy Nhasg Arweinyddiaeth – yr hyn yr wyf wedi ei ddysgu am arweinyddiaeth’. Assessment Centre Candidates will have 2 interviews by same panel with an interval for refreshments. Interview 1 : Professional Interview including a presentation ‘Why I am ready to be a Headteacher’. Interview 2 : Professional Experience including presentation ‘My Leadership Experience - what I have learned about leadership’. Each consortium will nominate a Chairperson and panel chairs as required to complete the assessment process.

Cyfweliad 1 Cyfweliad 2 Llinyn craidd A: Rôl broffesiynol y Pennaeth Llinyn craidd B: Dysgu Proffesiynol Arweinyddiaeth Cydweithredu Arloesi   Llinyn craidd C: Profiad Proffesiynol Addysgeg  Interview 1 Interview 2 Core strand A: Professional role of the headteacher Core strand B: Professional Learning Leadership Collaboration Innovation Core strand C: Professional Experience Pedagogy  

Amserlen CPCP NPQH Timetable Cylch lansio Presennol Cyflwyno ffurflen gais erbyn 1yp 08/10/18 Swyddog Ardystio i ddychwelyd y cais 19/10/18 Hysbysu’r ymgeisydd o’r canlyniad ac enw’r un sy’n cefnogi Diwrnod cenedlaethol (Gogledd) 24/10/18 w/c 5/11/18 Cefnogaeth 12/11/18 Templedi a gyflwynwyd (1 pm) 01/02/19 Canolfannau Asesu 4/03/19-15/03/19 Cymedroli Cenedlaethol 22/03/19 Canlyniadau i ymgeiswyr 03/04/19 Dyddiad cau ar gyfer apelio 07/05/19 Y panel apelio wythnos sy’n dechrau 13/05/19 Diwrnod Datblygu Cenedlaethol (De) w/c 22/05/19 Launch round Current Application form submitted 1pm 08/10/18 Endorsing Officer to have returned application 19/10/18 Outcome and name of support to applicant National day (North) 24/10/18 w/c 5/11/18 Support from 12/11/18 Templates submitted (1pm) 01/02/19 Assessment Centres 4/03/19-15/03/19 National Moderation 22/03/19 Results to candidates 03/04/19 Appeal deadline 07/05/19 Appeal panel Week of 13/05/19 National Development Day (South) w/c 22/05/19

CPCP 2018-2019 NPQH 2018-2019 Angen cyflwyno ffurflen gais erbyn 1yp Applications to be submitted by 1pm 08/10/18