QET Adhoc Committee Review Adam Dyck, Warburtons
Timeline Feb 17 March 17 Adhoc committee established MOTION: to create an Ad hoc committee to look into an objective assessment tool and report back at the 2018 PGDC meeting – Carried (20, 0, 0) Action Item I: An Adhoc committee to work on an objective assessment tool will be assembled March 17 Adhoc committee established QET Survey Conducted April 17 Introductory Call May 17 2nd Call July 17 3rd Call Aug 17 Recommendation Report circulated to Adhoc committee for review Sept 17 Fine-tuning of Recommendations Oct 17 Recommendation Report and Survey Results sent to QET QET conference call conducted Slight adjustments made to Motions Vote conducted on 6 motions. All passed with member acceptance from 74%-100%
Adhoc membership Developer Seed Company Grain Co’s Miller End User Regulator Producers
MOTION: to create an Ad hoc committee to look into an objective assessment tool and report back at the 2018 PGDC meeting – Carried (20, 0, 0) Goal: To increase transparency and predictability for the QET deliberations while also striving to increase efficiencies. What is right/wrong with the current system? What parameters should the tool use for its assessment? Failsafe’s in place. Preserve Canada’s high quality standards and reputation.
A. Dyck SECONDED by P. Entz Motion 1: I would move that the QET approves the Ad Hoc committee’s recommendation: to remove the requirement of baking 1st year lines for all classes of wheat. 2nd and 3rd year lines will be required for CWRS, CPSR, HWW, CNHR and CWRW. A. Dyck SECONDED by P. Entz Support Reject 14 5
Motion 2: I would move that the QET approves the Ad Hoc committee’s recommendation: to remove noodle data as a requirement for all classes of wheat. A. Dyck SECONDED by P. Entz Support Reject 18 1
A. Dyck SECONDED by C. Briggs Motion 3 - AMENDED: I would move that the QET approves the Ad Hoc committee’s recommendation: Implementation of Primary and Secondary Parameters for CWRS, CPSR, HWW, CNHR and CWRW to be defined by QET members. A. Dyck SECONDED by C. Briggs Support Reject 16 3 Currently 35 data points – Proposal ~13 data points
Proposed Parameters (to be discussed)
Motion 4 - AMENDED: I would move that the QET approves the Ad Hoc committee’s recommendation: implementation of a predictive tool to create transparency and predictability for CWRS, CPSR, HWW, CNHR and CWRW. A. Dyck SECONDED by D. Hatcher Support Reject 19
Tools The first tool = colour coding
Tools AET/DET Tools
Results 2015,2016 and 2017 Examined 109 1st year lines from Western, Central and Parkland Registration trials Tool would have automatically approved 56% All of those lines were voted Support/DNO…except 1 Anomalies = 1 in 2014
Motion 5 - AMENDED: I would move that the QET approves the Ad Hoc committee’s recommendation: that a two-dimensional map be used as a visual tool to be included in CWRS, CPSR, HWW, CNHR and CWRW. A. Dyck SECONDED by H. Sapirstein Support Reject 14 5
Motion 6: I would move that the QET approves the Ad Hoc committee’s recommendation: to forma peer group of all interested stakeholders, to support each other so that procedures and protocols, as well as suitable alternate methods were vetted prior to being discussed by the full QET committee. A. Dyck SECONDED by P. Entz Support Reject 15 4
Where do we go from here? Define Primary and Secondary Parameters Present to PRCWRT for approval Implementation for 2019 in Saskatoon Discussion Ask for WRT full committee to approve Implement for 2019 in Saskatoon
Thank you