Application of Geostatistical Analyst in Spatial Interpolation Fei Yan Center for Research in Water Resources Project for GIS in Water Resources
Outline Introduction Data source Spatial interpolation Inverse Distance Weighted Ordinary kriging (default setting) Ordinary kriging (trend removed) Ordinary cokriging (trend removed) Automating the use of Geostatistical tools
Introduction Point measurement ->Spatial distribution ? Spatial interpolation Deterministic (e.g. Inverse Distance Weighted) Statistical (Kriging) Which is better ?
Data source Average temperature and solar radiation on 01/01/2000 from Daymet
Inverse Distance Weighted Closer points, greater weight
Ordinary Kriging
Ordinary kriging (trend removed)
Trend Removed
Ordinary cokriging (trend removed)
Model Comparison (Cross Validation)
Where? Highest Temperature Where? Greatest Uncertainty