Kindergarten News Homework: A Peek of the Week: Supplies Needed: . Nov. 26-30 Ms. Blocher Ms. Cook Mrs. Ivey Mrs. Taylor Homework: A Peek of the Week: Mon. _____ Study your Blast Off words Tues. _____ Read a book with an adult and discuss the events of the story. Wed. _____ No homework Thur. _____ Count sets of objects and tell how many if there was one more/one less. Fri. ______ Have a nice weekend! Short vowel words Sentence writing & sharing Text to self connections Story elements-problem & solution Comparing numbers and sets (one more/one less) Supplies Needed: . Blocher: large bag of M & Ms Ivey: large bag of M & Ms and/or Skittles Cook: We are good, thanks! Taylor: large bag of Skittles Helpful Hints: Upcoming Dates: Dec. 3-7 Santa Shop (more info. to come) Dec. 13 PTO Meeting and Lighting of School Tree @ 6:00 pm in gym. Dec. 21 Classroom Holiday Parties and Box Tops Due Dec. 24-Jan.4 Student Christmas Holidays –NO SCHOOL Please remember to send in a warm change of clothes (pants, long sleeve shirt, socks, and underwear) for your child to keep at school. Thanks!