EPAN – Lisbon ad hoc group Welcome - Agenda Introduction Luxembourg, 20th of April 2005
WELCOME EPAN, Lisbon, 20.04.2005 Welcome - Agenda - Introduction The Palace of the Grand Duke EPAN, Lisbon, 20.04.2005 Welcome - Agenda - Introduction
AGENDA 10:00 – 12:00 : Meeting - Welcome - Agenda - Introduction 12:00 – 14:00 : Lunch 14:00 – 16:00 : Meeting EPAN, Lisbon, 20.04.2005 Welcome - Agenda - Introduction
(1-1) DGs 31.01.2005 DGs meeting > ‘Lisbon’ ad hoc group Objectives Integrated plan of activities (“concrete, precise actions”) Integration with the MTP (“do less, do better”) Improvement of the efficiency and coherence of the EPAN Collaboration between EPAN and International Institutions EPAN, Lisbon, 20.04.2005 Welcome - Agenda - Introduction
(1-2) DGs 31.01.2005 General theme : service oriented and efficient public administrations for economic growth, job creation and competitiveness Working areas / “Best practices” 1. Improving governance and strengthening administrative capacities and competencies by performance oriented and professional human resources (recruitment, training, pay system) 2. Reduction of administrative burdens and costs, internally and for enterprises EPAN, Lisbon, 20.04.2005 Welcome - Agenda - Introduction
(1-3) DGs 31.01.2005 3. Learning by comparing performances and strategies through benchmarking, including impact oriented organisation of the public sector 4. User satisfaction indicators 5. Improvement of horizontal co-operation and co-ordination between different departments 6. Increased use of ICT according to European interoperability schemes and open standards 7. Public private partnerships aiming at more efficient and customer oriented services in the general interest EPAN, Lisbon, 20.04.2005 Welcome - Agenda - Introduction
Luxembourg Presidency Timetable January February March April May June 22.-23.03. European Council 31.01. DGs Meeting 24.03. DGs T. Meeting 09.05. DGs T. Meeting 21.02. Lisbon ad hoc group Meeting 23.03. Lisbon ad hoc group “WTs Leaders” Meeting 20.04. Lisbon ad hoc group Meeting 08.06. Ministers Meeting 09.-10.06. DGs Meeting Working teams Working topics Luxembourg Presidency EPAN, Lisbon, 20.04.2005 Welcome - Agenda - Introduction
(2-1) ‘Lisbon’ 21.02.2005 EPAN Lisbon working areas EPAN Lisbon activities plan EPAN Lisbon working teams EPAN Lisbon ad hoc group EPAN DGs EPAN, Lisbon, 20.04.2005 Welcome - Agenda - Introduction
(2-2) ‘Lisbon’ 21.02.2005 Effective governance (FINLAND, Germany, Hungary, United Kingdom, European Commission, Luxembourg) Human resources Public-private dimensions Horizontal cooperation and coordination (European, national, regional and local level) EPAN, Lisbon, 20.04.2005 Welcome - Agenda - Introduction
(2-3) ‘Lisbon’ 21.02.2005 Innovation (NETHERLANDS, Estonia, Italy, Poland) User satisfaction indicators Productivity enhancement by ICT Administrative burdens and costs Benchmarking performances and strategies EPAN, Lisbon, 20.04.2005 Welcome - Agenda - Introduction
(3-1) Council 22-23.03.2005 Presidency Conclusions (Council 7619/05) II. Relaunching the Lisbon Strategy A. A strategy for today’s world Priorities : growth and employment Renew basis of competitiveness, increase growth potential and productivity, strengthen social cohesion Main emphasis : knowledge, innovation, optimisation of human capital EPAN, Lisbon, 20.04.2005 Welcome - Agenda - Introduction
(3-2) Council 22-23.03.2005 B. Vital strands of the relaunch Research and Development – 7FP Competitiveness and Innovation Programme Member States : Innovation policies Widespread use of ICT in public services i2010 initiative Public procurement refocusing on innovative products and services promoting eco-technology EPAN, Lisbon, 20.04.2005 Welcome - Agenda - Introduction
(3-3) Council 22-23.03.2005 B. Vital strands of the relaunch (2) Business-friendly regulatory environment Common methodology for measuring administrative burdens with the aim of reaching an agreement by the end of 2005 (Commission and Council) Member States : cut red tape, introduce one-stop contact points, provide access to different forms of financing Member States : Lifelong learning - an opportunity open to all Public-private partnerships C. Improving Governance EPAN, Lisbon, 20.04.2005 Welcome - Agenda - Introduction
(4) ‘Lisbon mid term review’ 23.03.2005 : ‘Lisbon’ WTs leaders meeting 24.03.2005 : DGs Troika meeting EPAN, Lisbon, 20.04.2005 Welcome - Agenda - Introduction
(5-1) ‘Lisbon’ WTs results Effective governance (FINLAND, (EIPA), Germany, Hungary, United Kingdom, European Commission, Luxembourg) Document from the WT Letter from Germany Letter from the United Kingdom Letter from the European Commission EPAN, Lisbon, 20.04.2005 Welcome - Agenda - Introduction
(5-2) ‘Lisbon’ WTs results Innovation (NETHERLANDS, Estonia, Italy, Poland) Document from the WT Letter from Poland EPAN, Lisbon, 20.04.2005 Welcome - Agenda - Introduction
(6-1) Report : ‘Lisbon’ > DGs Contents list (1) Introduction The Mid Term Review of the Lisbon Strategy The EPAN decisions related to the Lisbon Strategy The EPAN Lisbon ad hoc group EPAN, Lisbon, 20.04.2005 Welcome - Agenda - Introduction
(6-2) Report : ‘Lisbon’ > DGs Contents list (2) The role of public administrations The role of the EPAN Possible Lisbon related EPAN activities Proposal of an integrated plan of activities EPAN activities for its constituent entities EPAN efficiency as an integrated structure EPAN collaboration with International Institutions EPAN, Lisbon, 20.04.2005 Welcome - Agenda - Introduction
(6-3) Report : ‘Lisbon’ > DGs Possible Lisbon related EPAN activities relevant : clearly related to the EPAN role and the Lisbon Strategy ambitious : modern and innovative public administrations are essential to realise the Lisbon goals realistic : in line with the structure and the resources of the EPAN EPAN, Lisbon, 20.04.2005 Welcome - Agenda - Introduction
(6-4) Report : ‘Lisbon’ > DGs Proposal of an integrated plan of activities EPAN activities for its constituent entities Ministers & Directors General Human Resources Working Group (HR WG) Innovative Public Services Group (IPSG) eGovernment Working Group (eGov WG) Directors and Experts for Better Regulation (DEBR) Directors of Schools and Institutes of Public Administration (DSIPA) EPAN, Lisbon, 20.04.2005 Welcome - Agenda - Introduction
(6-5) Report : ‘Lisbon’ > DGs Proposal of an integrated plan of activities EPAN efficiency as an integrated network Clear directives/guidelines by the DGs Common administrative framework Co-ordination of the overlapping activitys Lisbon compliant activities/decisions by the entities Team presidencies for bigger projects & Voluntary financial participation Working teams/sub-groups within the working groups Coverage of national, regional and local levels Permanent secretariat for all administrative tasks EPAN, Lisbon, 20.04.2005 Welcome - Agenda - Introduction
(6-6) Report : ‘Lisbon’ > DGs Proposal of an integrated plan of activities EPAN collaboration with International Institutions OECD : Public Governance and Management European Commission – e.g. EPAN eGovernment Working Group DG INFOSOC eEurope eGovernment subgroup DG Enterprise IDABC EPAN DEBR » DG Enterprise ‘Better regulation’ Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (2007–2013) EPAN, Lisbon, 20.04.2005 Welcome - Agenda - Introduction
(6-7) Report : ‘Lisbon’ > DGs MTP 2006-2007 HR Activity 3 IPSG Activity 7 IPSG Activity 4 eGov Activity 2 ‘Lisbon Report’ XXXXX HR Activity 5 IPSG Activity 1 eGov Activity 6 EPAN, Lisbon, 20.04.2005 Welcome - Agenda - Introduction
(6-8) Report : ‘Lisbon’ > DGs Level of the activities Exchange of experiences Identification of good practices Development of common method and/or tool Benchmarking using common method and/or tool Period Activitiy 2006/1 2006/2 2007/1 2007/2 Activitiy 1 - IPSG Action 1 Exchange of experiences Action 2 Identification of good practices Action 3 Development of a method Action 4 Benchmarking EPAN, Lisbon, 20.04.2005 Welcome - Agenda - Introduction