ISO/TC211 Plenary Meeting Rome, Italy 2007-5-31 WG9 Report ISO/TC211 Plenary Meeting Rome, Italy 2007-5-31
WG9 Information Management 2 active projects 19145 Registry of representations of geographic point location 19146 Geographic information -- Cross Domain Vocabularies WG9 also discussed the issue of registers. Convenor: Hiroshi Imai, (Mary Inaba ) 11th Meeting in Rome, 2007-05-28, 10:00-12:30 33 participants
5 IS/TS from WG9 ISO/TS 19127:2005 Geodetic codes and parameters Project Leader: Julie Binder Maitra ISO 19135:2005 Procedures for registration of geographical information items Project Leader: Charles Roswell ISO/TS 19138:2006 Data quality measures Project Leader: Gerhard Joos Editor: Erik Stenborg ISO 19131:2007 Data product specification EC Editor: Robert Walker ISO 6709:2007? Standard representation of geographic point location by coordinates Project Leader: Kevin Kirby Editor: Larry Hothem
WG9 Meeting in Rome WG9 Meeting Time: 2007-05-28, 10:00-12:30 Participants: 33 people Project Team 19145 Meeting Time: 2007-05-29, 13:30-17:00 Project Team 19146 Meeting Time: 2007-05-28, 9:00-17:00; 2007-05-29, 9:00-17:00.
Initiated as a result of the review of ISO6709:1983 PT 19145 – Registry of representations of geographic point location (stage 0) To explore the development of standardized registries of representations of geographic point location Initiated as a result of the review of ISO6709:1983 Project Leader: Jean Brodeur 1st meeting: Orlando, May 22-23, 2006 2nd meeting: Riyadh, November 11-12, 2006 3rd meeting: Rome, May 29, 2007
Report Structure of PT19145 Contribution GPLR registries to geographic information interoperability Review of encoding mechanisms How organizations handle the use of many representations of GPL Role of registers Content and structure of the register Business case for registration authority Relationships of a registry with other ISO/TC 211 documents Conclusion and recommendations
Clause 1 Contribution GPLR registries to geographic information interoperability maintains backward compatibility with ISO6709:1983 allows adoption of new XML -based encoding mechanisms constitutes an appropriate solution to enable interoperability at the syntactic level considering the existence of various formats supports encoding and decoding processes by providing a standard mechanism for describing encoding format of geographic point locations with a unique reference
Clause 2 Review of encoding mechanisms Standard representation of geographic point location by coordinates (ISO6709) Geography markup language point profile DCMI Point encoding scheme Geo- Virtual Reality Modeling Language and X3D Natural Area Coding System Compact text encoding Keyhole Markup Language ISO 8211 LandXML EROS Global Land 1-KM AVHRR Project XDK Danish exchange format for GIS data UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) MGRS (Military Grid Reference System)
Timetable of PT19145 Further contributions: no later than June 24, 2007 Final draft and distribution to WG9: July 31, 2007 Final report: September 1, 2007 Presentations in Xi’an, China WG9 meeting ISO/TC 211 plenary
PT 19146 Cross-Domain Vocabularies Project Leader: Andew Jones Target: IS Objective: to cross-map between TC211 terminology and technical vocabularies that have been adopted by industry-oriented geo-spatial communities for routine usage Establish a consistent approach to cross-mapping Implement cross-mapping between TC 211 and TC 204 Underpinning standards: ISO 1087-1:2000 Terminology Work – Vocabulary – Part 1: Theory and application ISO 19135:2005 Geographic Information – Procedures for item registration
Approach Strong emphasis on ensuring collaboration between vocabulary owners Document structure Principles for cross-mapping of vocabularies Approach Governance Reference vocabulary Cross-mapping process Documentation and publication Register schema Cross-mapping between ISO/TC 211 and ISO/TC 204
Principles Terminology is to be rationalised rather than proliferated Vocabulary cross-mapping will provide a thesaurus, not a taxonomy or ontology A stable reference vocabulary, maintained by a recognised standards body, will be adopted for all cross-mapping undertakings involving a particular discipline Cross-mapping must proceed as a collaborative venture Cross-mapping must not circumvent established processes Cross-mapping must be recognised through publication in a register Cross-mapping must accommodate continuous change
Activity to Date Next Steps Balloted as a NWIP prior to 23rd Plenary Project team – 16 people from 11 countries Australia confirmed as project leader WD1 was provided with the NWIP WD2 (much expanded) was distributed during 2007-04 1st Project team meeting in Rome on 2007-05-28/29 WD2 reviewed in its entirety General support by the PT for WD2 Discussion primarily focussed on the approach to classifying cross-mapped relationships Next Steps Proceed to WD3 Final WD before CD Scheduled to be issued as CD in 2007-10 Appears to be achievable
Summary of discussions on registers in WG9 meeting Ad Hoc Group on Registers as reported to the Riyadh Plenary (and in document N2110). Task of the Ad Hoc Group Identify which registers are required within ISO/TC 211; Make a priority list; Propose how the identified registered can be established; Propose how to maintain the registers.
Summary of Ad Hoc meeting in Riyadh Last Year ISO/TC211 should develop very simple, stable, high level registers. ISO register of 19127 geodetic codes and parameters should be established with the top priority. It may be a hierarchical register such that ISO register consists of its principal register. Establishing a register of terminology should be considered in more detail, in connection with cross-domain vocabularies (N 2051) and multi-lingual glossary of items (N 2075). While ISO/TC211 should have a set of registers in a sense as in 1, there has been discussions on registers: 19126, 19138, 19145, 19115, The maintenance of a register requires establishing consensus in a group. For ISO TC211 that group would be ISO TC211 itself, and then the registration maintenance be approved by resolution of the whole TC at plenary. Depending upon the degree to which the register content duplicates the ISO/TC211 series of standards, an ISO copyright issue may be raised, and ISO/TC211 should contact ISO CS for permission of making the register public. This would be necessary for the terminology register.
WG9 discussions on registers (a follow-up of Report of Ad Hoc Group on Registers) WG9 noted and supported the findings of the Ad Hoc Group on Registers as reported to the Riyadh Plenary (and in document N2110). It further noted that there has been no resolution of the report items concerning: The Secretariat taking on the role of registration authority for high level ISO/TC 211 registers; and The ISO copyright issues. And that this is already standing in the way of use of ISO/TS 19127 and ISO/TS 19138. WG9 also noted the work of PT 19145 and the indications that a NWIP will come forward, which will require a register of representations of geographic point locations. WG9 was concerned to ensure that such registration issues were considered at NWIP stage, not left to later stages in the standardisation process.