The Physical Regions of Canada
Continental History Two billion years ago all the continents were joined in a form known as Pangea. Plate tectonics have moved the continents to where they are today.
The Physical Regions of Canada
The Physical Regions of Canada There are seven major physical regions of Canada (We will be looking at only three) Each region has distinct geological formations, landforms and climactic conditions . The Three physical regions of Western Canada: The Canadian Shield The Interior Plains Western Mountains (Cordillera)
The Canadian Shield The Canadian Shield was once a volcanic mountain range as high as the Himalayas. Millions of years of weathering and erosion have wore it down into a landscape of exposed rocks and lakes.
The Canadian Shield The Canadian shield stretches from the Arctic islands around Hudson bay to the Adirondack mountains in the United States, and across Labrador.
The Canadian Shield Originally it was made of igneous rock. Igneous rock is formed by the solidification of molten material. Over time, it has changed by heat and/or pressure into metamorphic rock.
The Canadian Shield The Canadian Shield is rich in minerals such as copper, gold, lead, and nickel. The exposed rock makes the land unsuitable for agriculture and settlement.
The Interior Plains It formed as eroded material from the Canadian Shield was deposited in layers. These layers are generally horizontal and are sedimentary rock.
The Interior Plains Stretches from the Canadian Shield to the Rocky Mountains, covering almost all of Alberta.
The Interior Plains Millions of years ago, the Interior Plains had a tropical climate and it was covered by water, plants, and animals. Over time, these deposits were compressed in layers of sedimentary rock to form rich deposits of fossil fuels and evaporites.
Terminology! Fossil fuels are natural fuels formed by geological forces from the residue of living organisms. Examples: oil and natural gas Evaporites are a type of sedimentary rock that originates by the evaporation of sea water. Example: potash.
The Western Mountains (Cordillera)
The Western Mountains The Western Mountains are a cordillera. This means they are parallel mountain ranges, separated by a series of plateaus and valleys. They were formed by tectonic plate collisions, causing the Earth’s crust to buckle, which lifted sections of it into the air. Plateaus and valleys
The Western Mountains Ranges from the Interior plains to the coast of B.C.
The Western Mountains Tectonics also caused the terrain to form valleys, plateaus, and trenches. Erosion from rivers and glaciers formed the jagged, rugged, and mountainous landscape we know today.
Western Mountains Follow these links They will help you understand how plate tectonics works.
The Western Mountains
The Western Mountains Sediments carried off by rivers (such as alluvium) formed fertile river valleys, such as the Fraser River Valley. This region is rich in minerals, copper, gold, molybdenum, and coal.
Ancient State Canadian Shield Interior Plains Western Mountains Volcanic Mountains • As high as the Himalayas • Igneous rock Tropical climate • Covered by water Series of plates moving toward one another
Significant Changes Canadian Shield Interior Plains Western Mountains Millions of years of weathering and erosion • Heat and pressure Eroded material laid down at edges • Occasional Flooding • Deposits compressed Plate collision • Pressure of plate tectonics • Erosion from rivers and glaciers
Results of Changes Canadian Shield Interior Plains Western Mountains Worn down into an exposed landscape of rocks and lakes • Changed to metamorphic rock Flood deposits of plants and animals • Deposits of fossil fuels and evaporites Earth’s crust buckled, lifted into the air • Valleys, plateaus, and Trenches formed • Fertile valleys
Appearance Today Canadian Shield Interior Plains Western Mountains Hard, rigid, exposed rocks Horizontal layers of sedimentary rock • Flat and rolling grasslands Cordillera: a series of parallel mountain ranges separated by a series of plateaus and valleys