Ethical Standards In Psychology
Ethical standards are used to insure psychologists do not harm their subjects
Informed Consent Gives subjects a sense of control Decreases stress of participation
Confidentiality Must keep identity of subject secret at all time
Debriefing Decreases stress of being deceived/deception Must be carried out honestly, skillfully and sympathetically
Use of animals in psychology research Why use animals? Used animals to conduct research that cannot be done on humans Separation of infants from their mothers at birth Brain lesion studies (strokes)
Use of animals in psychology research There are many similarities between human and animal behaviors Nervous systems or Relationship formation
Use of animals in psychology research Animals have shorter lifespans Mice or rats Psychologists support endangered species
Types of animals used #1 - Rats and mice #2 - Monkeys #3 - Dogs and cats
When can we use animals? Animals are only used when the benefits to humans justify any harm done to the animals Must proceed through intense decision making process Were conducted more in the past…