I. Elements Carbon (C) Hydrogen (H) Oxygen (O)
II. Building Blocks (Monomers) Monosaccharide Mono= 1 Saccharide= Sugar Ex. glucose
III. Functions A. Main source of energy B. Structure in some organisms
IV. Groups Monosaccharide (1 sugar molecule) Disaccharide (2 sugar molecules) Polysaccharide (many sugar molecules)
A. Testing for a monosaccharide. Indicator = Benedict’s Turns orange if present
B. Testing for the presence of a Polysaccharide. Indicator = Iodine Turns dark blue/black if present
VI. Examples of Carbohydrate Molecules Monosaccharide EX: Glucose (fruits) C6H12O6
B. Disaccharide What do you think the chemical formula is? EX: Sucrose (table sugar) C12H22O11 -EX: Lactose (milk sugar)
Polysaccharides Ex: STARCH=stored energy in plants (potatoes) Ex: GLYCOGEN=stored energy in animals (muscle & liver cells)
UNIQUE CHARACTERISTICS Ex. Cellulose - Most abundant organic compound- in plant cell walls. Used in manufacturing cardboard, paper, cotton…
Insect exoskeleton Ex. Chitin- 2nd most abundant organic compound. Found in cells walls of fungi and exoskeleton of insects
How it gets into our bodies By the foods we eat, like: Bread Sweets Fruit (Apples, bananas, peppers, tomatoes) Vegetables Pasta Potatoes