BIBC 102 Metabolic Biochemistry Randy Hampton
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The isoprene unit: a branched lipid structure
fig 21-32
stage 1 mevalonate production fig 21-34.
stage 1 mevalonate production fig 21-34.
stage 1 mevalonate production fig 21-34.
stage 1 mevalonate production fig 21-34.
first steps of ketone body formation synthesis of mevalonate fig 21-34.
stage 2: conversion to active isoprenes fig 21-35
condensation of isoprenes “tail” “head” fig 21-36.
further condensation of isoprenes fig 21-36.
and even more condensation of isoprenes fig 21-36.
from squalene to cholesterol fig 21-37.
fig 21-38.
LDL: the infamous lipoprotein fig 21-39.
fig 21-39
fig 21-40
fig 21-40
regulation of cholesterol metabolism both uptake and synthesis are involved fig 21-44
As does nature, so does pharma... box 21-3
sterols galore! fig 21-45
isoprenoids galore!! fig 21-47
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Gluconeogenesis A) refers to synthesis of glucose B) produces ATP C) occurs when insulin is high D) only occurs in plants
Fructose-2,6bP A) is increased when glucose is low B) increases the rate of gluconeogenesis C) is a glycolytic intermediate D) is made by FPK2
Fatty Acid Synthesis A) requires carboxylation of AcCoA B) produces NADH and FADH2 C) uses NADPH for reductions D) Both A and C
The Glyoxylate Cycle A) releases CO2 B) is a catabolic cycle C) occurs in the human liver D) makes a 4C product from a 2C substrate
Glycogen: the glucose buffer… XXXX
Glycogen granules ~ 1600 glucose monomers per granule
fig 7-14
Glycogen in real life…
How is glycogen synthesized? -sequential addition of glucose to a growing a1-4 linked linear polymer glycogenin, then glycogen synthase -creation of branches composed of a1-6 linkages branching enzyme
Glucose ends… O 1 2 3 4 5 6 non- reducing end reducing end
polymer ends… fig 7-14
pg 597
addition of UDP carrier to glucose-1-P fig 15-29
addition of glucose monomers to the growing glycogen chain fig 15-30
Glycogen branching enzyme creates branches fig 15-31
Glycogen branching enzyme creates branches 10 a1 4 3 7 a1 6 fig 15-9
How is glycogen broken down? -sequential removal of glucose-1P from the non-reducing end glycogen phosphorylase -dismantling of those pesky branches debranching enzyme
fig 14-11
debranching enzyme removes branches fig 15-26
7 4 7 1 Debranching enzyme removes branches a1 4 a1 6 a1 4 a1 4 a1 6 free glucose 4 a1 6 a1 4 7 a1 4 1 a1 6 transferase activity a1-6 glucosidase
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Hormonal control of glycogen phosphorylase fig 15-34
Allosteric control of glycogen phosphorylase fig 15-36
regulation of glycogen synthase by phos- phorylation as well… fig 15-37
Liver glucose metabolism fig 23-13
Blood glucose level is critical and stringently regulated fig 23-23
The Cori cycle fig 23-20
Liver as a "glucostat" low blood glucose high blood glucose
Glucagon: the hormone of starvation phosphorylation of enzymes alteration of fructose 2,6 bis-P
Insulin: the hormone of plenty
fig 23-24
b cell glucose sensing: an ATP gated channel