Looking at the deficit: 2018 Alexander budget cuts Looking at the deficit:
Where we are: We have done soooooo much, with soooooo little, for soooooo long, we now have to make some tough decisions. We will need to look closely at how much to cut this year, knowing it will also effect the coming years.
Current cuts: Take positions out of the 5 year forecast that were cut and we are not bringing back this year. 2 teachers & one custodial / maintenance $199,000 ED unit transportation $7120 This has been done. We are still running -$180,000 in the red for the 2018-19 school year. 2019-20 school year we will be running - $880,035. This is projected in the 5 year forecast. How deep does the board want to cut?
We are trying to balance cuts throughout the district. Cut supplemental activities - Academic and Athletic Costs. @ $26,783 This includes cutting: 9 BLT&TBT facilitators, Sophomore Class Advisor, Industrial Arts Club, Elementary Yearbook, Middle School Football Coach, Junior High Science Olympiad, Junior High Yearbook, Math Counts, Middle School Soccer Coach, Set Director, Show Choir Director, Student Council – elementary, Middle School Track Coach, Assistant Band Director, Cross Country Assistant Coach, & Cheerleading JV Coach. Staff & Coaches may volunteer to fill position with no pay.
two mile radius: No bussing 2-mile radius - This would be a savings of $84,000 per year, plus save money in fleet reduction. Bus purchases $92,000 each. This will encompass about 200 students. Drop off will not begin until 7:45 am. a. 1 pick-up station with in the 2-mile radius. Albany Baptist Church b. New gravel loop for elementary drop off. Created by our own staff. c. Lessen the traffic flow in the mornings. d. This will eliminate 3 routes for the 2018-19 school year. $84,000
Why the 2 mile radius? 1.) Safer for the children: It’s better to have parents drive than students. 2.) Less distance for our kids to travel: snow, rain, etc. 3.) The possibility of offering a shuttle service am from Albany & pm to First Friends. 4.) Less congestion in our lot if we can provide a shuttle & and new loop. 5.) It would take more buses running through Albany to cover 9 – 12 than a 2 mile radius. 6.) We will add a new gravel roadway into the elementary drop off to lessen congestion.
Current issue: The elementary school has struggled this year with the amount of traffic coming onto the school premises in the mornings and leaving in the afternoons. Even though having a PreK-12 building on one campus has many benefits, there are also drawbacks. We have over 1800 people, staff and students, entering and exiting the campus at the same time every day. On the elementary side of the building, there is the additional problem of only having one road for all traffic access the back lot for the 75+ staff members parking, parent/visitor parking, as well as, student drop off and pick up. With the additional amount of students being open enrolled, it has caused our drop/off pick up line to have a consistent 100-125+ cars daily. This amount of traffic has caused several issues in regards to overall safety for students and staff entering and exiting the building.
Plan: The plan is to keep the current access as you are coming into the back lot as is, except for adding an Y-style intersection at the head of the back entrance and a single lane gravel road. At the Y-intersection, the gravel road would be built running parallel to the current parking lot, down to the shelter house, and then looping back up the fence line to exit back onto School Road. Although all traffic would still have only one access point into the back of the building, Y-intersection would allow staff and visitors only to access the parking lot. All cars dropping off students, would enter to the left at the Y-intersection, and follow the gravel road to the drop off point by the shelter house. Because of the location away from the parking lot and additional traffic, more students would be able to be dropped off at one time with safe access to the Shelter House and sidewalk into the building. Finally, the single lane gravel road would keep traffic flowing in one direction to help move through the line quickly and efficiently.
Classroom fees: 4. Classroom fees of $40 per student. This will produce funds to offset classroom supplies and materials. $43,360 a. 1500 students – (36%) 416 students on free lunch = 1084 students b. 1084 students’ x $40 classroom fee = $43,360 income for the district. c. I would suggest the same if the board chooses “pay to participate in all extracurricular activities. @$40/60 per activity. (The fee would be flat fee based by grade level)
Curriculum: Freeze spending on curriculum for the next 3 years. A cost savings of $90,000 per year. School years: 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22 $270,000 We need new text books and materials for Social Studies, Science, and other subject areas. This will hurt students academically.
Athletic department cuts: ATHLETICS: - Cut items as a whole. ( We must be careful not to loose students due to sports cuts) 2018-19 Savings with Athletic Program cuts and savings Hudl - Software that allows teams to video scout and share films with other schools. Used primarily by Football, Boys and Girls Basketball, Volleyball and Wrestling. $2600 School Funded Banquets - Alexander will no longer fund meals and awards for the sport postseason banquets. $1700 Meals: Meals for regional or state individual qualifiers $200 Summer sports bussing Summer programs will not be supported by the school transportation $2000 Coaching clinics, Hotels Overnight stays, clinic fees will not be supported by the school $1800 Game day bussing - Teams will ride together as much as possible. Multiple teams to the same or close facility will combine to 1 bus. Boys and girls soccer, HS and JH Volleyball and HS and JH Basketball. $3000
Additional athletic cuts: JH track position Eliminate 1 JH track coach Varsity/JH CC Eliminate the asst Cross Country Coach JH Football Asst Eliminate an Asst JH football Coach (restrict sport to 1 JH team at this time) JH soccer Asst Eliminate JH Soccer Asst. (restrict sport to 1 JH team at this time) Cheerleading Eliminate JV Cheerleading Position Volleyball, Basketball JH programs possible combine teams or coaching depending on the number we have. Game Security Cut number of police and amount of games they are at by @ 40% $1500 weight room coordinator Make a full year position rather than a semester $720 Athletic & supplemental TOTAL SAVINGS/CUTS @ $40,303
Cuts Through attrition: Two teaching positions through attrition. - Currently we know of two teachers that will most likely leave the district this summer. $179,000 Incoming Kindergarten class is @ 96 students. Total Budget Cuts & fees presented for 2018-19 $387,623 Freezing Curriculum for 2019-2022 saves additional $270,000
Future cuts if the levy funds are not acquired . . . Industrial Arts Future Farmers of America (FFA) Art Music Business Class Athletics & Supplemental