SUTTON LOCAL SAFEGUARDING CHILDREN BOARD Christine Davies CBE, Independent LSCB Chair Chairs the LSCB five times a year and oversees the work of the subgroups Challenge and scrutiny of individual agencies and the local partnerships effectiveness to promote the welfare and safeguard children and young people in Sutton. Ensure that the partnership understands local needs and the experiences of vulnerable children. Leadership and decision making in respect of Serious Case Reviews and other learning reviews.
SUTTON LSCB WORKSTREAMS 2015-18 Ensure Board effectiveness - leadership, management and co-ordination, influenced by children and young people’s voices WORKSTREAM 2 Strengthen governance and relationships with other strategic boards (children’s trust board, joint health and well- being board, community safety panel, corporate parenting forum safeguarding adults board, corporate parenting forum) WORKSTREAM 3 Ensure Working Together To Safeguard Children (2015) compliance WORKSTREAM 4 Develop and embed a robust LSCB Quality Assurance Framework (based on Ofsted LSCB Review criteria) WORKSTREAM 5 Keeping Children Safe - identify and address local safeguarding priorities to improve child outcomes
3-year LSCB Business Plan HOW THE LSCB OPERATES Multi-Agency Child Sexual Exploitation (MASE)/Missing Children Strategic group Quality Assurance (QA) subgroup Annual Priorities Subgroup Delivery Plans Business Management Processes 3-year LSCB Business Plan Case review group Child Death Overview Panel (CDOP) Child Sexual Exploitation 3 year strategy Policy and Performance (P&P) subgroup MASE/Missing Delivery plan Learning and Development (L&D) subgroup Human Resources (HR) subgroup SCR/IMR action plans
LSCB Policy and Practice Priority Areas Neglect Self Harm Domestic Violence and Impact on Children Impact of Parental Substance Misuse Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) Missing Children Harmful Impact of Extremist Ideologies on Children and Young People (Prevent)