FenyaSTX : Stock Transfer Made Easy
FenyaSTX : How it works FenyaSTX consists of a PC Application – FenyaSA and the mobile barcode scanner application - FenyaWM - These two programs interact with each other to ensure data integrity and efficient data capturing.
Fenya – Stock Transfer is fully integrated into Pastel. The Stock Transfer can be completed via On-the-Fly or against a Control Document. When using a Control Document, accuracy is the primary concern, as the Hand-held device controls what the user can and cannot scan. Whereas On-the-Fly is all about efficiency. We are demonstrating Stock Transfer On-the-Fly: The mobile scanner is primed with a list of all inventory and stores/warehouses. Select an issuing store and a receiving store to begin a stock transfer. Select the From and To store for the stock transfer, the scanner will then download all relevant information via WiFi or 3G.
***Scan the barcoded inventory products you wish to transfer*** View each scanned product on the mobile scanner. FenyaWM will notify the user if there is insufficient stock on hand to complete the transfer. Once all products have been scanned the stock is transferred to the receiving store and the process is complete. You will then receive a real time notification that a stock transfer has been completed.
View the Stock Transfer reports in Pastel to confirm the transferred items and quantities. FenyaSA also provides an easy to use report of all your stock transfers done with the hand held scanner