Technological Innovation The U.S. in a Global Era Innovation 1. _________________________________ Requires Creativity 2. _________________________________ Requires Resources/Organization United States World leaders in technological innovations ___________________________________provides incentives (profits) for creativity Technological Innovation Medicine and Health Medical Innovations Drugs developed to slow down effects of _____________________ Currently working to find cures for cancer, Alzheimer’s, etc. Genetic Engineering _______________biological genes is now possible The Computer Revolution Information Technology (IT) ______________chips launched a technological revolution ___________________, CA Home to millions of jobs in manufacturing, programming, and services Microsoft, Apple, Intel, Google, etc. The Global Economy _______________________Corporations (MNCs) McDonald’s, Disney, Wal-Mart, Apple Employ millions at home and abroad Globalization Technological innovations ____________________________ Foreign countries provide cheap labor, lax environmental laws, and lower taxes Creates competition and lower prices (i.e. cars) Changes in American Demography Global Warming Pollutants trap ________________on Earth ____________________________raises temperatures to dangerous levels Acid Rain Pollutants turn into acids washed out of air when it rains Erosion of Ozone Ultraviolet radiation can cause ________________ Water Pollution Crowded cities lead to increased _______________that contaminates water Demography U.S. Population Those who receive __________________________________ People who cross the border/land on shores without ___________________ Some enter legally but overstay their temporary permits Legal Immigrants Managing the Environment Illegal Immigrants Role in the U.S.