Chapter 29: Plant Diversity I How Plants Colonized Land A.Foksinska
Similarities between Charophytes and Embryophytes (land plants) Rings of cellulose-synthesizing proteins Peroxisome enzymes Structure of flagellated sperm Formation of a phragmoplast
Differences between Charophytes and Embryophytes Alteration of Generations Multicellular, Dependent Embryos Walled Spores Produced in Sporangia Multicellular Gametangia Apical Meristems Explain how these features are adaptive for life on land.
General Overview of Alteration of Generations
Plant Evolution Reduction of the haploid (gametophyte) Dominance of the diploid (sporophyte)
Nonvascular Bryophytes Gametophyte Dominant No true leaves, stems, roots Hepatophyta (liverworts) Hepato- Greek- “liver” (think- hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver) and it looks like liver-shaped Gemmae – asexual reproduction Anthocerophyta (hornworts) I always remember this because ‘cero’ reminds me of ‘rhinoceros’ which have HORNS and ‘antho’ means ‘flower’ so… ‘flower horns’ Bryophyta (moss) This is a PHYLUM, not same as term ‘bryophytes’
Practice with Moss Life Cycle
Practice with Moss Life Cycle
Tracheophytes: Vascular Plants Lots of vocabulary: Microphylls- small, spine-shaped leaves supported by a single strand of vascular tissue Megaphylls- leaves with a highly branched vascular system Sporangia- multicellular organs in fungi and plants in which meiosis occurs and haploid cells develop. Sporophylls- modified leaves that bear sporangia Strobilus-the technical term for a cluster of sporophylls known commonly as a cone (most gymnosperms and some seedless vascular plants). Sorus- A cluster of sporangia on a fern sporophyll.. Homosporous- a single kind of spore, which typically develops into a bisexual gametophyte. Heterosporous- two kinds of spores: microspores, which develop into male gametophytes, and megaspores, which develop into female gametophytes.
Tracheophytes: Vascular Plants Or… pretty picture/diagram form:
Seedless Vascular Plants Lycophyta It’s “Lyc” a moss but it is not a moss! Monilophyta It’s a stretch but I remember Manila Bay (in the Philippines) and the green, tropical plants that grow on the ground there
FERN LIFE CYCLE prothallus