SDBE - Developing Church of England Education Legislation Update SDBE - Developing Church of England Education
New VA School Capital Scheme Statutory guidance on application processes now published Must meet a demand both for basic need and diversity of choice Meets community cohesion objectives February 2019 deadline for applications New scheme announced in government’s response to Schools That Work for Everyone SDBE will be putting together a bid for a secondary school in Kingston Community cohesion follows the Integrate Communities Green Paper published by the government last year 10% capital costs No 50% admissions cap like free schools This would not affect C of E approach anyway – more about allowing new Catholic Schools to open SDBE - Developing Church of England Education
SDBE - Developing Church of England Education Free School Programme Wave 13 criteria emphasised basic need and areas without Free Schools Future waves may focus on special schools/alternative provision (e.g Summer 2018) LAs working alongside an established provider Less money now available for Free Schools since the Summer 2017 announcement reallocation monies from the DfE’s budget from other areas (including Free Schools) to the main schools’ budget. Free Schools make up 2% of schools (476) SDBE re-submitted its Sutton co-ed non-selective secondary school bid under wave 13, with even more expressions of support from local parents and the community than last time around. SDBE - Developing Church of England Education
SDBE - Developing Church of England Education Structural Change SoS is referring to academy status as a ‘positive choice’ No plans for wide-scale mandatory conversion of schools beyond the scope of the 2016 Act 2016 Education and Adoption Act – schools in a category Mobile phone national ban in schools in France. SoS wants to respect school autonomy and not implement a similar ban here, although he supports heads who do so. SDBE - Developing Church of England Education
NAO Report - AC Conversion National Audit Office report on converting schools into academies 35% of all schools are academies 27% of primary schools are academies 72% of secondary schools are academies Rate of conversions has remained quite constant at primary level since 2011/12 and at secondary level since 2013/14. Would take 7 years at present rates for all secondary schools to become academies, and decades for all primary schools to do so. SDBE - Developing Church of England Education
Accountability Framework Consultation in early 2019 on amalgamating the ‘coasting’ and floor standards New information to hold MATs to account No forced conversion or warning notices for ‘coasting’ schools SoS recently announced new 3 days worth of NLE support for ‘coasting’ schools Schools judged R.I. in their previous 2 inspections will receive a £16k grant No schools will get warning notices that are not in a category SDBE - Developing Church of England Education
National Funding Formula DfE has published notional school-level allocations for 2019-20 here DfE will continue to allocate funding to LAs basis of the total given for schools in their area under the NFF LAs will then continue to set a local formula Next government spending review will begin in 2019 covering 2020 and beyond National funding formula is still subject to transitional arrangements (capped at +0.5% and +3% respectively) SDBE - Developing Church of England Education
Extra Capital Funding 2018-19 In the budget an additional £400 million capital funding was announced Aimed at improvements (not major projects) to buildings/equipment/ICT Initial DfE guidance estimates this is worth: Primary schools - £10,000 Secondary schools - £50,000 The precise formula/allocations will be published in the new year Normal DFC rules will apply to this funding which means some schools may have the flexibility to spread this money over the following two financial years if necessary. SDBE - Developing Church of England Education
SDBE - Developing Church of England Education DfE Advice School resource management here Mental health and behaviour in schools here Improving the home learning environment here School resource management good for governors – new procurement advice and nationally negotiated deals Mental health new version is about is about helping schools identifying potential mental health problems in pupils, and how to create a whole school approach to positive mental health. Fiona Foreman will send out briefings in due course. Improving the home learning environment new document is for early years providers on a ‘society wide approach’ to promoting early language development and literacy skills in pupils’ homes SDBE - Developing Church of England Education
Admissions - PLAC Abroad Schools Minister’s letter in December 2017 DfE informal advice September 2018 Schools are not required to adopt the requested changes in advance of any new School Admissions Code Any parties concerned with the legality of the SAC would challenge the DfE, not schools OSA/appeals panels would not find current policies non-compliant Only Surrey and Southwark have approached me about this Discuss danger of a soc-med fudge SDBE - Developing Church of England Education