Ontario Skiing Tourism Statistics 2015 Fall 2017
This report summarizes key characteristics of visitors and visitor spending of trips in Ontario which included the activity of downhill skiing or snowboarding. Data was sourced from Statistics Canada’s Travel Survey of the Residents of Canada and International Travel Survey, 2015 Some slides include an index table which simplifies the comparison of Skiing and total trip statistics. Since total trips equals 100, an index of 105 indicates Skiing is 5% higher than total, similarly an index of 90 signifies Skiing is 10% lower than total. Index Interpretation less than 80 Skiing trips underdeveloped versus total trips 80-120 Skiing trips similar to total trips greater than 120 Skiing trips overdeveloped versus total trips 2
Visits and Spending Region Visits (millions) Visitor Spending ($ billions) Ontario Total 141.9 25.4 Ontario Skiing 1.0 0.3 Ontario Skiing proportion of Ontario Total 0.7% 1.1% In 2015, there were 974,000 Skiing visits in Ontario, representing 0.7% of total visits in Ontario Skiing visitors in spent $288 million, accounting for 1.1% of total visitor spending in Ontario Source: Statistics Canada’s Travel Survey of the Residents of Canada and International Travel Survey 2015; Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport
Skiing and Total Visits by Origin Skiing vs. Total Visit Index Ontario 112 U.S. 13 Other Canada 15 Overseas 130 Ontario residents accounted for the majority of Skiing (96%) and total (86%) visits U.S. visitors accounted for 1% of Skiing visits compared to 8% of total visits Visitors from Other Canada comprised 1% of Skiing visits and 5% of total visits Overseas visitors accounted for 2% of Skiing visits and 2% of total visits Source: Statistics Canada’s Travel Survey of the Residents of Canada and International Travel Survey 2015; Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport
Skiing and Total Spending by Origin Skiing vs. Total Spending Index Ontario 138 U.S. 24 Other Canada 14 Overseas 89 Ontario residents accounted for the majority of Skiing (76%) and total (55%) spending U.S. visitors accounted for 4% of Skiing spending compared to 14% of total spending Visitors from Other Canada comprised 1% of Skiing spending and 9% of total spending Overseas visitors accounted for 19% of Skiing spending and 22% of total spending Source: Statistics Canada’s Travel Survey of the Residents of Canada and International Travel Survey 2015; Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport
Ontario Skiing Visitors by Region of Residence Skiing vs. Total Visits from Ontario Index Reg 1 30 Reg 2 10 Reg 3 132 Reg 4 100 Reg 5 139 Reg 6 115 Reg 7 124 Reg 8 38 Reg 9 225 Reg 10 21 Reg 11 3 Reg 12 Reg 13 57 30% Skiing visitors from Ontario are from Region 5 compared to 22% of total visits, 16% from Region 6 (14% total visits), and 14% from Region 3 (11% total visits) Note: Ontario origin Skiing visitors represented 96% (934,000) of visits and 76% ($219 M) of visitor spending Source: Statistics Canada’s Travel Survey of the Residents of Canada and International Travel Survey 2015; Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport 6
Destination – Skiing Visits by Region Skiing vs. Total Destination Index Reg 1 32 Reg 2 17 Reg 3 23 Reg 4 Reg 5 46 Reg 6 204 Reg 7 487 Reg 8 96 Reg 9 47 Reg 10 58 Reg 11 316 Reg 12 Reg 13 44 43% of Skiing visits took place in Region 7 compared to 9% of total visits, and 16% in Region 6 (8% total) Source: Statistics Canada’s Travel Survey of the Residents of Canada and International Travel Survey 2015; Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport 7
Skiing Visits by Length of Stay Skiing vs. Total Length of Stay Index Same-day 97 Overnight 105 Avg # nights 119 The majority (62%) of Skiing visits were same-day visits. For comparison, 64% of total visits in Ontario were same-day visits The average number of nights spent on Skiing overnight visits was 3.7, above Ontario’s average of 3.2 nights Source: Statistics Canada’s Travel Survey of the Residents of Canada and International Travel Survey 2015; Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport
Skiing $/Trip by Length of Stay Skiing vs. Total $/Trip Index Total 165 Same-day 226 Overnight 135 Skiing visitors spent an average of $295/trip ($179/trip for total trips) On average, overnight visitors spent over twice as much per trip as same-day visitors Total trip spending, not just spending on Skiing Source: Statistics Canada’s Travel Survey of the Residents of Canada and International Travel Survey 2015; Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport
Skiing Spending by Category Skiing vs. Ontario Spending Index Transportation 64 Accommodation 68 Food & Beverage 79 Rec./Entertain. 220 Retail/Other 216 The largest proportions of expenditures were spent on Retail (27% Skiing, 12% total) and Transportation (23% Skiing, 36% total) Skiing visitors spent a larger proportion on Recreation, 17%, than total visitors, 8% Source: Statistics Canada’s Travel Survey of the Residents of Canada and International Travel Survey 2015; Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport
Other Activities done by Skiing Visitors Activity Skiing Visit Participation Index vs Total Any Outdoor/Sports Activity 100% 582 Skiing/Snowboarding 14574 Hiking 10% 224 Play a sport 7% 344 National/Provincial Nature Parks 5% 186 Restaurant or bar 72 Sightseeing 4% 75 Visit Friends or Relatives 13 Shopping 46 Cross-country Skiing 1140 Activity Skiing Visit Participation Index vs Total Theme Parks 4% 337 Museums/Art Galleries 138 Zoos/Aquariums/Botanical Gardens 243 Historic Sites 3% 104 Casinos 121 Wildlife/Bird watching 136 Snowmobiling 994 Cultural Performances 65 Sports Events 2% 46 Movies 204 Activity Skiing Visit Participation Index vs Total Fishing 2% 47 Business Meeting/Conference/Seminar 35 Visit a beach 1% 33 Golfing 113 Medical/Dental appointment 106 Festivals/Fairs 50 Camping 42 Cycling 114 Indigenous 726 Boating 32 Skiing visitors participate primarily in skiing Source: Statistics Canada’s Travel Survey of the Residents of Canada and International Travel Survey 2015; Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport
Main Purpose of Skiing Visit Skiing vs. Total Purpose Index Pleasure 242 VFR 28 Business 19 Other 4 VFR: Visiting Friends and / or Relatives Most trips were pleasure trips (85% compared to 35% of total trips) Other includes shopping, medical, religious, hobby/trade show, etc. Source: Statistics Canada’s Travel Survey of the Residents of Canada and International Travel Survey 2015; Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport
Skiing Visits by Accommodation Type Skiing vs. Total Type Index Private 100 Commercial 114 Campground 33 The majority (61%) of overnight Skiing visits were spent at unpaid accommodations such as private homes and cottages, compared to 61% of total visits 30% of overnight Skiing visits were spent in hotels/motels versus 26% of total visits Source: Statistics Canada’s Travel Survey of the Residents of Canada and International Travel Survey 2015; Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport
Skiing Visits by Time of Year Skiing vs. Total Quarter Index Jan-Mar 433 Apr-Jun 1 Jul-Sept 2 Oct-Dec 56 The largest proportion of trips occur in the winter months with 86% of Skiing trips taking place in Jan-Mar versus 20% of total trips Source: Statistics Canada’s Travel Survey of the Residents of Canada and International Travel Survey 2015; Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport 14
Skiing Visits by Gender Skiing vs. Total Gender Index Male 116 Female 81 Males made the majority (62%) of Skiing visits. For comparison, 54% of total visits in Ontario were among male visitors Source: Statistics Canada’s Travel Survey of the Residents of Canada and International Travel Survey 2015; Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport
Skiing Visits by Party Size Skiing vs. Total Party Size Index 1 person 76 2 persons 50 3+ persons 217 Avg party size 153 With children 209 Avg Party Size 3.6 2.3 With children 26% 12% 51% of Skiing visits were among groups of 3 or more people compared to 24% of total visits 26% of Skiing visits included children versus 12% of total visits Source: Statistics Canada’s Travel Survey of the Residents of Canada and International Travel Survey 2015; Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport 16
Domestic Skiing Visitor’s Income Skiing vs. Total Income Index < $50 K 58 $50 K- $75 K 34 $75 K - $100 K 63 $100 K+ 164 59% of Canadian Skiing visitors in Ontario had an household income greater than $100,000 compared to 36% of total visitors Source: Statistics Canada’s Travel Survey of the Residents of Canada 2015; Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport
Domestic Skiing Visitor’s Education Skiing vs. Ontario Education Index < High School 45 High School 76 Some post-secondary 55 University degree 182 59% of Canadian Skiing visitors in Ontario had a university degree compared with 32% of total visits Source: Statistics Canada’s Travel Survey of the Residents of Canada 2015; Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport
Skiing Summary In 2015, there were 974,000 Skiing visits, accounting for 0.7% of total visits to Ontario. Skiing visitors spent $288 million, or 1.1% of total visitor spending in Ontario. Ontario residents accounted for 96% of visits and 76% of spending, residents of Other Canada accounted for 1% of visits and 1% of spending, U.S. visitors represented 1% of visits and 4% of expenditures, and overseas visitors accounted for 2% of visits and 19% of spending 30% Skiing visitors from Ontario are from Region 5 compared to 22% of total visits, 16% from Region 6 (14% total visits), and 14% from Region 3 (11% total visits) 43% of Skiing visits took place in Region 7 compared to 9% of total visits, and 16% in Region 6 (8% total)
Skiing Summary The majority (62%) of Skiing visits were same-day visits. For comparison, 64% of total visits in Ontario were same-day visits. The average number of nights spent on Skiing overnight visits was 3.7, above Ontario’s average of 3.2 nights Skiing visitors spent an average of $295/trip ($179/trip for total trips). On average, overnight visitors spent over twice as much per trip as same-day visitors The largest proportions of expenditures were spent on Retail (27% Skiing, 12% total) and Transportation (23% Skiing, 36% total). Skiing visitors spent a larger proportion on Recreation, 17%, than total visitors, 8% Most trips were pleasure trips (85% compared to 35% of total trips)
Skiing Summary The majority (61%) of overnight Skiing visits were spent at unpaid accommodations such as private homes and cottages, compared to 61% of total visits. 30% of overnight Skiing visits were spent in hotels/motels versus 26% of total visits The largest proportion of trips occur in the winter months with 86% of Skiing trips taking place in Jan-Mar versus 20% of total trips 51% of Skiing visits were among groups of 3 or more people compared to 24% of total visits. 26% of Skiing visits included children versus 12% of total visits 59% of Canadian Skiing visitors in Ontario had an household income greater than $100,000 compared to 36% of total visitors 59% of Canadian Skiing visitors in Ontario had a university degree compared with 32% of total visits