Resolving IP Aliases using Distributed Systems
Content Intention Containers and why they are important Container specifications Docker containers Docker Swarm Kubernetes Mesosphere MIDAR Kapar Conclusion
Mapping the Internet Probing every single IP in the world Using traceroutes to collect the path information
Challenges Load Balancing Unresponsive Routers Multiple interfaces belonging to the same routers (IP Aliases)
How containers appeared It works on my machine, but it won’t work on other developer’s machine It works on my machine, but it won’t work on production Different environments, different services
Linux containers (LXC) Containers offer a way to virtualize an operating system Process isolation Limitted visibility Resource isolation (CPU, Memory, I/O, network etc.) Build your own environment, use them everywhere Feels like different machines
Containers vs Virtual Machines Use kernel of the host machines Starts with an image Easy to use Super fast to start You can run a lot of them in one hardware Run services in an eye-blink No hardware configurations, no running installers, no incompatibilities More secure
Containers vs VMs continued
More about containers Readily available repositories Making your own images Pushing images to local or online repositories
Companies using containers Uber - Yandex - The Washington Post PayPal - Microsoft - The New York Times E-bay - Yelp - Google Spotify - Badoo - BBC- News Facebook - Amazon
Container Networking Host Bridge None Publishing ports
Tomcat image
MySQL image
“From a drop of water a logician could infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara without having seen or heard of one or the other.” — Arthur Conan Doyle
Cluster of Containers Docker Swarm Kubernetes Mesosphere
Advantages of using cluster of containers High availability Scalability Feels like one OS
Midar MIDAR small-scale MIDAR medium-scale MIDAR full (large-scale) Capable of testing a small (<200) set of IP addresses Using a single probe method from a single monitor MIDAR medium-scale Capable of testing a medium-size (<40000) set of IP addresses Probing from a single monitor host MIDAR full (large-scale) Capable of testing an Internet-scale (at least 2 million) set of IP addresses Probing from multiple monitor hosts
Kapar and Midar on Mesos Host1 Host2 Host3 Host4 Marathon Zookeeper Mesos Client1 Mesos Client2 Mesos Client3 Mesos Client4 Kapar Kapar Kapar Kapar Midar Midar Midar Midar /AS1.txt /AS2.txt /UniqueIPs1.txt /AS3.txt /AS4.txt /UniqueIPs2.txt