An Introduction to the 8 Components of MCL
Uncompromisingly Learner-Centered Culture Designing a CUSTOMIZED LEARNING Community Culture Empowerment Growth Mindset skilled Leadership quality Instruction How we work together… What we value… viable Learning Outcomes customized Structures Ideal Learning Experience motivating Learning Opportunities varied Evidence of Learning transformational Technologies How we are… What guides our decisions… Results Driven Innovation Uncompromisingly Learner-Centered Culture Driven by a Future-Focused STRATEGIC DESIGN
Skilled Leadership Bea McGarvey From Readiness Tool The learning community has an appointed Leadership/Continuous Improvement Team The staff has a common understanding of the Research on Effective School Cultures The learning community has a District Mission, Vision, Guiding Principles, Learner Outcomes articulated through a Community Dialogue The staff uses the Mission, Vision, Guiding Principles, Core Values, Learner Outcomes as a Decision-Making Screen The staff operates as both Research AND Evidence Based The staff uses Problem Solving and Invention Reasoning Strategies/Tools The staff has a common understanding of the Research on Learning, Motivation and Engagement The staff has a Growth Mindset (Efficacy) for themselves The staff has a common understanding of Second Order versus First Order Change The staff has a common understanding of the Rationale for and Vision of Mass Customized Learning The learning community has changed the language to: Learners, Learning Facilitators, Learning Opportunities, Learning Community)
Quality Instruction Learning Facilitators actively work toward achieving the Learning Community’s Customized Learning Vision Learning Facilitators work toward creating the Ideal Learning Experience for all learners The Learning Community has a common Model/Language/Taxonomy for Understanding Learning Learning Facilitators emphasize and facilitate learning at high levels of cognition using a taxonomy of learning Learning Facilitators, individually and in teams, reflect on the effectiveness of their strategies to meet the needs of learners Learning Facilitators, individually and in teams, routinely adjust their strategies to meet the needs of learners Learning Facilitators engage in team problem solving and planning to meet the needs of learners Learning Facilitators have a Customized Learning Plan (CLP) with goals and strategies to improve their craft Learning Facilitators are active social learners participating in face-to-face and online personal learning networks Learning Facilitators routinely use technology to enable and enhance learning and instruction
Viable Learning Outcomes Learning Facilitators have shifted to a focus from Activities/Assignments to Learning Goals/Outcomes The Learning Community uses the Learning Outcomes (LOs) derived in the Strategic Design as the basis for the “curriculum” The Learning Outcomes are organized in progressions of learning (versus according to grade levels or courses) The Learning Outcomes include enabling Concepts Outcomes (know) , Thinking Skills Outcomes (do), and Dispositions Outcomes (be like) The Learning Community uses an explicit Model to communicate the Learning Outcomes to learners and parents The LOs are categorized in a “how best learned” format (e.g. seminars, labs, online, mentorships, individual or group projects) Those Learning Outcomes best learned online are put online
Motivating Learning Opportunities Learning facilitators create a culture of “voice and choice” for learners Learning facilitators create a growth mindset/iteration culture for learners Learners engage in various learning opportunities (e.g. seminars, labs, flipped lessons, online, mentorships, individual and group projects) Learners meet with success as they work on challenging Learning Outcomes Learners move through the Learning Outcomes at their own pace Learners work on concepts and skills with content of interest to them Learners work on concepts and skills using their most optimum style of learning Learners receive immediate, formative, and productive feedback on their progress
Varied Evidence of Learning Learning facilitators understand how learning data can create a culture of investment and engagement vs control and compliance Evidences of learning are aligned to the learning community’s identified Learning Outcomes The data from varied evidences of learning provide formative feedback to learners on their progress on their learning outcomes The data from varied evidences of learning inform instruction and planning Learners demonstrate their learning in various ways Each learner establishes his/her own learning goals, monitors his/her progress, and adjusts his/her plan Each learner is engaged and invested in his/her learning Learners design their own evidences of learning The learning community exemplifies a culture of inquiry and growth mindset
Transformational Technologies A robust and healthy technology infrastructure exists throughout the learning community Stakeholders understand the importance of “1 to 1” access to technology within the Learning Community The Learning Community has a Student Information System (SIS), a Learning Management System (LMS), and Scheduling Technology (ST) which are integrated and seamless The Student Information System (SIS) houses, reports on, and uses demographical information The Learning Management System (LMS) houses the Learning Outcomes, the Customized Learning Plan of each learner, learning objects and activities, evidence of learning, and instructional materials The Learning Management System (LMS) allows for 24/7 access for learners, parents, and Learning Facilitators The Learning Management System (LMS) responds to learner needs with and without intervention (friction free) from the LF. The Scheduling Technology (ST) allows for the flexible scheduling of learners into the needed Learning Opportunities (e.g. seminars, labs….) Learning Facilitators routinely use their personal devices (e.g. laptop, iPad, tablet, Chromebook) to leverage learning and instruction Each learner has a personal device to access and leverage their learning
Customizing Structures Each learner has a Customized Learning Plan Learners are assigned to Learning Coaches who manage their Customized Learning Plan (CLP) Learning Outcomes are organized/clustered into modules (versus courses and textbooks as the organizer) Learning Opportunities include seminars, labs, mentorships, online learning, individual and/or group projects (versus classes/courses) Learning Opportunities are for a few weeks at a time (e.g. seminars, labs) or are on-going (e.g. mentorships, projects, online) The schedule is flexible and responsive to the needs of learners Anytime/anywhere learning is the norm and expectation (versus semesters and school year) Grading is a feedback system separating academic and non-academic feedback (versus a rewards and punishment system) Credentialing is based on evidence of learning the Learning Outcomes (versus seat time, GPA, or class rank) The learning community adopts a formative/iterative approach to feedback (e.g. no averaging, no zeroes, do-overs are okay) The learning community uses rubrics for reflection, feedback, and communicating progress (versus the 100 point scale or A, B, C . . . ) Learning facilitators collaborate with team members to share the targeted instruction Groupings and regroupings of learners are frequent, flexible, and based on the needs of learners (versus tracking or age-based) Teachers are organized and defined as Learning Facilitators for multiple Learning Outcomes (versus “Gr. 3 teacher” or “US History teacher”)