Incentive Theory DRIVES Incentive: an external goal that has the potential to motivate behavior. While Drive Theory describes an internal state PUSHING you in a specific direction, Incentive Theory describes how an external stimulus PULLS you in a certain direction. When you attend this class, it is not because you were biologically programmed to become a student, but rather, because there is something external that is rewarding to you. Is it the grade ? Is it because your parents suggested taking the class? Is it the drive to benefit from it later in life? Regardless , the idea is that the motivation is something external, not internal. DRIVES INCENTIVES 1
The Hunger Mechanism
Hunger Motivation The multiple-systems approach to hunger Set point – Refers to the tendency of the body to maintain a certain level of body fat and body weight Appetite is influenced by the lateral hypothalamus & ventromedial hypothalamus parts of the brain Eating disorders are a disruption to this normal system Weight control is a complex issue involving multiple systems and the brain, along with social/cultural influences Sometimes the natural, physical needs that motivate hunger can be disrupted 3
It’s just food, right. Well, yes and no It’s just food, right? Well, yes and no. for many people it IS just food – and for an increasing number of people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds – eating and food/ hunger and motivation have become disordered. This disruption of the relationship with food is influenced a lot by media images of the body – both male and female. So, healthy body image is an increasingly difficult thing for us to maintain. on Monday Emily will visit the class and talk to you a little more about this 4