DG Environment Commissioner: Stavros Dimas Director-General: Mogens Peter Carl Direction A: Governance, Communication, Civil Protection Direction B: Protecting the Natural Environment Unit: Nature and Biodiversity Direction C: Air and Chemicals Direction D: Water and Environmental Programmes (e.g. LIFE) Direction E: International Affairs Direction F: Resources Direction G: Sustainable Development and Integration 10.02.2006
Natura 2000 European network of protected areas Target: To ensure bio-diversity through the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora in the European territory 10.02.2006
Communication on Financing Natura 2000 Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on Financing Natura 2000 * Estimated costs for EU 25: 6,1 billion Euro Integration option: Use of existing Community funds * COM (2004)431 final of 15.07.2004 10.02.2006
Communication on Financing Natura 2000 Decision for the Integration Option! To ensure that management of Natura 2000 sites is part of the wider land management policies of the EU Allows MS to set priorities and develop policies reflecting their national specificities Avoids duplication of different Community funding 10.02.2006
Aim of the tender Guidance Inform and support Member States and potential beneficiaries on how to use the Community funds for Natura 2000 Workshops in 25 Member States - Present the Guidance and how to use it - Discuss country specific problems and challenges - Enable co-operation/networking 10.02.2006
Accompanying working group Set up by DG Environment To ensure that guidance and workshops meet needs of target groups Approves guidance structure and workshop concept Approves final guidance 10.02.2006
Accompanying working group Set up by DG Environment Member States Latvia, Poland, France, Germany, Spain Stakeholder groups COPA/COGECA, CEPF, ELO, Green 9 (BirdLife) Commission DG´s DG REGIO, DG AGRI, DG FISH, DG EMPL, DG RTD, DG ENV 10.02.2006 nature/home.htm Thank you for your attention! nature/home.htm 10.02.2006 NA201EN