N EWS V ALUES A Level Media
R EALITY IN THE NEWS How realistic is the news? Can you think of any way that the news may be constructed? What is the role of the newsreader?
R EALITY IN N EWS News programmes which feature high in the ratings, appear to be the most real and least mediated programmes on TV. In Britain and America the news on TV is widely seen as more reliable than any other source of news (esp BBC). We expect an impartial and balanced summary of significant events. BUT, presenting, writing and documenting news is a selective and partial process. It uses specific media language and narrative reflecting the perspective and bias of the creator. This can influence the audiences perception of the events portrayed.
R EALITY IN N EWS John Fiske News, of course, can never give a full, accurate objective picture of reality nor should it attempt to for such an enterprise can only serve to...decrease peoples opportunity to argue with it, to negotiate with it.
T HE N EWSREADER Presented as a neutral observer. Appears to speak the objective discourse of the truth. (Fiske) Sitting behind a desk reduces their body language. Yet, we ARE directed by the newsreader. Our gaze follows their gaze. Everything seen seems to support what the newsreader says. Although the content may be far from reassuring, their manner is always friendly, reliable and reassuring. The tail piece offers a happy ending.
R EPORTING OF EVENTS Few events are directly observed by reporters – most stories are repackaged from secondary sources. News agencies, press conferences, spokespeople may have biases. News often report what prominent people say about events, rather than the events themselves. Experts and special correspondents are used to comment on events (purely stylistic feature). Library footage serves to authenticate stories. Live TV – gives a sense of nowness but tends to disguise the constructedness of news.
S TRUCTURE AND N ARRATIVE News programmes tell stories. There are principal and minor characters, connected sequences, heroes and villains and a beginning, middle and end. Fiske argues... the basic structure of a TV news story follows Todorovs outline of narrative structure..
N EWS V ALUES It is often argued that news has an agenda setting function. By what is omitted as well as whats included, newsmakers may influence what we think is important. News is selective. Often focuses on issues of cultural concern – Madeline McCann...poor parenting...paedophilia...medical malpractice...mistrust of foreigners.
I N THE NEWS TODAY... Homework! Watch an episode of the news this week. Write an analysis of the programme based on Duttons news values.