Robin Hood’s Hero Journey Collin Everett
Call to Adventure Robin Hood is called to help the people when Prince John comes to power in Nottingham and places hard taxes on the people. Robin Hood steps up to get the money that Prince John takes, back to the people.
Refusal Of the Quest Robin Hood himself does not exactly refuse, but his friend, Little John, warns him of the harsh punishments for stealing from royalty and that he could get himself into quite a bit of trouble.
Supernatural Aid Robin Hood is greatly helped by his dear friend Little John, and throughout his journey, he is also helped by many of the townspeople such as Friar Tuck.
Crossing the first Threshold Robin Hood crosses this Threshold first when he robs Prince John by disguising himself as a fortune teller. Then he enters the archery tournament and puts himself out in the open. In this he is faced with Prince John and many of his Guards.
Belly of The Whale Robin Hood reaches the point where he really cannot go back when he has served the people so much and Prince John trying his hardest to capture him.
Road of Trials Robin hood faces many trials such as the archery tournament itself then also when he is caught by Prince John. There he must escape his death. Another trial is when he starts off by attempting to save Friar Tuck from being hanged, but then it turns into him breaking everyone out of jail and stealing all of their money back from Prince John.
Meeting with the Goddess Robin Hood is reunited with Maid Marian. They both confess their love for each other, and they are married.
Woman as Temptress Robin Hood never really had anything tempt him to fall off course. He had a strong will to serve the people. The only thing that it could be would be that his love for Maid Marian is more important than helping Nottingham but that doesn’t happen.
Atonement with the Father Robin Hood is faced with his toughest challenge yet to be a hero and serve the people of Nottingham. He must help them escape from jail and also he must steal the money back that Prince John has taken unfairly.
Apotheosis Robin Hood is cornered and his only escape is to jump from the tower. He is thought to be dead by Little John.
The Ultimate Boon Robin Hood successfully breaks the people out of jail and steals the money from the Prince. The people are safe and the money has been given to them.
Refusal of the Return Robin Hood stays with Maid Marian in Nottingham.
Magic Flight Robin Hood is being chased by the sheriff and also by Prince John. He is fighting and running for his life.
Rescue from Without Robin Hood must get help from Little John and some of the townspeople to get everyone out of the jail and also to escape with the stolen money.
Crossing the Return Threshold Robin Hood becomes a normal person when King Richard returns from the crusades and regains his throne.
Master of Two Worlds Now, Robin Hood can be a normal person and have a family, while to the people of Nottingham he is hero and a legend.
Freedom to Live Robin Hood gets to be with Maid Marian, and King Richard returns to being the fair King of England. Prince John is in jail for his actions.