ROYAL CONNECTIONS Our Mission We pair general ed students with special ed students Close the social gap between disabled and nondisabled students by helping create a typical high school experience Develop long lasting relationships
How to Become a Member Fill out application Get parent approved Attend training session Meet with case manager Flip flop the “meet” with ase manager and the “attend training session”
What We Do Member requirements: Call/Text Buddies once a week Come to large group activities (once a month) Buddy lunches (twice a month) Come to General Ed. meetings in lecture hall (twice per trimester)
*Must complete member requirements* Lettering Chair event Attend 5 out of 6 general meetings Have lunch with buddy minimum 6 times in the year Attend 7 out of 9 large group events Attend 2 non-RC sponsored events with your buddy - i.e. school play, Cabaret, Coffee House, dance, sporting event
If video does not work: https://drive. google