We will get started in a moment Welcome We will get started in a moment
MSA Updates October 2018
Fiscal/Reporting Updates Mid-term elections Symposium Updates Agenda TTA Updates Opening Day Fiscal/Reporting Updates Mid-term elections Symposium Updates Criminal History Check Update 19-20 Grants Process Enrollment MSA Updates Calendar Dates to Note Presenters Lisl Hacker Rachel Irvine Suzana Kantardzic Katie Koski Beth McGuinness Lindsay Rooney
Tta Updates CIF Funding for: Member Training Requests First Training Scheduled for October 30: Managing Student Loans and the Education Award Disaster Relief Initiative PD Staff Training Requests Host Site Training Requests Save the Date for 2019 Massachusetts Conference on Volunteerism: May 7th Co-Sponsoring ASC Regional Cluster Conference In Pittsburgh in the first week of June 2019 Programs will receive discount for registration Save the dates: New PD Orientation: July 16, 2019 Kickoff: July 24 & 25, 2019 Spots available in next Service Enterprise cohorts Lisl Presenting
Opening Day Registration Open – please sign up ASAP Wear AmeriCorps Gear Request for Member Speakers One per program Lunch will be provided Afternoon Service Projects Transportation provided for some projects Stress the importance of participating and note that attendance will be taken Lindsay presenting
FISCAL/REPORTING UPDATES PERs now due on a monthly basis rather than quarterly Member hours report submitted with PERs and are in a program-determined format 2017-18 PERs through September due on October 15th 2018-19 PERs through September due on October 15th 2017-18 End-of-year Progress Reports Due on October 15th We do not have flexibility on these deadlines because we have to consolidate information from all programs and submit reports to CNCS Suzana
Mid-term elections Please encourage your members to vote and remind them of your program’s policy on voting (i.e. program policy on time off to vote) Remind them of prohibited activities relative to the election season Cannot conduct voter registration drives Cannot attend political events/rallies in uniform and during service hours Reach out to your Program Officer if you have any questions Suzana presenting
2018 symposium updates Ended early due to Hurricane Florence There is a new AmeriCorps Recruitment PSA CNCS will roll out a distribution plan next month Emphasis on managing unexpended funds NSOPW/State Check Channeler… Rachel Presenting
CHC Update NSOPW/State Channeler Disallowance Truescreen Similar to Fieldprint process (same parent company) Cost will vary depending on checks required, but tentatively the NSOPW check costs $7.50 and state checks costs $19.50 + state pass through fees Waiting for additional details, especially around options for using Truescreen for some checks Launches November 1st Disallowance Finishing-up final determinations of programs who contested disallowances May take a while for debt notification letters to come from CNCS, but note they are coming Make sure funds are available, cannot come from CNCS (or match) Rachel Presenting
AmeriCorps State Grants Process August 20 RFP Released Sept 20 Proposals Due Oct 3 Community & Staff Grant Review Oct 4 Program Committee Meeting Oct 11 Board Meeting By Oct 15 Invitation to submit full application to CNCS for competitive (nationwide) funding
AmeriCorps State Grants Process (continued…) Oct 12 – January, 2019 MSA staff assist programs in developing full applications (competitive) Nov 2018 – Jan 2019 MSA staff request and review continuation applications (competitive) Jan 30 All New, Recompete and Continuation applications due (competitive) Late Winter / Spring Formula Funding RFP Released / MSA staff assist programs in developing applications (formula/planning) May/June 13 Competitive Decisions Received from CNCS / MSA determines formula portfolio
19-20 GRANTS PROCESS NOFO Updates Application now 10 pages 20 member minimum eliminated Fewer Performance Measures Fixed Grants can request same cost per MSY Program expansion available for continuation applications New deadline: January 30th Gretchen will be providing evaluation support throughout the grants process Beth Presenting
enrollment Pre-enrollment discussion Slot Conversion Please complete survey Slot Conversion Maximize Program Funds New 1200 hour slot available Must submit request to your Program Officer Begin planning for unexpended funds Will discuss recruitment and enrollment challenges at October 17th meeting Katie Presenting
MSA Updates Federal Funding update CNCS FY19 budget finalized - $13M increase for AmeriCorps State & National MSA will release a formula and planning grant RFPs in the late winter/spring Programs should work with their Program Officer to determine a timeline for updating their Program Binders to reflect pre- enrollment changes Site Visit Monitoring Tools to be updated Suzana presenting
18-19 Calendar Dates to note October 15: 2017-18 End of Year Progress Report due October 15: Final 2017-18 PERs due October 15: All 2018-19 PERs through September due October 17: PD Meeting hosted by SCA October 30: Member Training - Managing Student Loans and Education Award November 2: Massachusetts AmeriCorps Opening Day December 12: PD Meeting hosted by FoodCorps December 12: 19-20 AmeriCorps Intent to Apply deadline January 21: MLK Day of Service January 30: 2019-2020 AmeriCorps Application submission deadline (continuation and competitive) February 27: PD Meeting hosted by South Coastal Counties Legal Services March 10 – 16: AmeriCorps Week May 7: Massachusetts Conference on Volunteerism May 15: PD Meeting (host TBD)
Reminder: Next pd meeting on October 17th at SCA agenda Things to note 9:30 – 10:00: Breakfast 10:00 – 10:20: Welcome and Program Intro 10:20 – 12:30: PD Professional Development Planning Workshop 12:30 – 1:30: Lunch/Nature Walk 1:30 – 2:30: MSA Updates 2:30 – 3:00: Wrap up and Evaluation Parking available Wear appropriate footwear Dress warm/bring layers Limited wi-fi/cell reception (we will share SCA office number) Bring your water bottle
Thank you for participating See you soon!