Children & Young Peoples Champion Moving The Children and Young Peoples Charter from Principle to Action A presentation to the West Lancs Trust Partnership Sarah Callaghan October 9th 2008
Why? The Rationale ‘If children’s trusts are to be effective then children and young people should enjoy active participation at an increasing number of decision points. Different levels of engagement are appropriate at the different stages of joint planning and commissioning-e.g needs assessment, writing the Children and Young People’s Plan, service design, tendering, and monitoring services’ Joint Planning and Commissioning Framework-DCSF 2006
How? The thirteen principles within the Charter provide a guideline for good practice. Adopted by the LCYPSP Terms of reference in Locality Children's Trusts Building on current practice and in response to locality need, The Children and Young Peoples Charter provides a tool kit for ensuring that there is a consistent approach for engaging children and young people in service development and delivery.
What are we working towards? An ongoing dialogue between services and children and young people Structures that enable all children and young people to have equal access to the decision making process Children and young people will influence the commissioning process Improved outcomes
The Challenges Communication Equal Access The Children’s Workforce Evidencing the impact-So What?
Actions A commitment to ensure that the Charter informs service delivery and development A commitment to develop a consistent approach to engaging with children and young people across services and partners. Practical, achievable outcomes that support the 13 principles An ongoing cycle of consultation is established between The Children’s Workforce and children and young people