Work-Based Learning Program Dr. Mark Miear Superintendent Montgomery County Public Schools
Why Work-Based Learning? Expose students to expectations of employment Help students through the process of applying for a job and act as a mentor Teach workplace readiness skills that are difficult to teach within a classroom
The MCPS Program Students are enrolled in a local elective course and are given early release or late arrival to provide flexibility and incentivize students working MCPS uses these VDOE programs in the Work-Based Learning Program Job Shadowing Mentorship Internship Service Learning Clinical Experience Registered Apprentice We try to use all of the VDOE approved Work-Based Learning Methods and also use a local elective approach
Challenges Starting the Program Defining the program across four high schools Asking for help from local businesses with presentations from the CTE Director Overcoming objections to hiring people under 18 years old Creating Work-Based Learning Coordinators & Defining their roles We had to educate teachers about expectations. We do not do observations at students’ workplaces. MCPS gives teachers a stipend that is tied to the number of students in the WBL program at their high school. Insurance covers students in Work-based learning
Strengths of our Program Variety of opportunities for students Long-term employment Short-term job shadowing Internships within MCPS Class field trips to visit businesses Flexibility for students and employers Currently 511 students in the work-based learning program
Examples of Work-Based Learning Construction companies Law firms MCPS Operations Interns: IT, Custodians, School Bus Garage, etc. Nurse Aides working with CNA license Research Interns at Virginia Tech Teachers for Tomorrow in MCPS Elementary Schools Virginia Tech Athletic Department Interns Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine Interns
The Next Steps Emphasize structured programs that lead to long-term careers Links to local community college Registered Apprenticeship programs Provide opportunities to every single student Expand short-term job shadowing Summer employment Virtual Job Shadow Work-based learning instead of early graduation Registered Apprentice = structured program with Virginia Dept of Labor where students get paid by a business and the business has a requirement to educate the student. Program is primarily run by Va Dept of Labor with help from public schools Send students to NRCC during senior year & have jobs in those fields Reach students with disabilities (virtual job shadow) and encourage students who do not want to work or do not see the value (AP track students)