Information & Communications Technology Law - KUB 420
We answer questions such as….. Can you conclude contracts via sms/ WhatsApp? In a messy divorce = a wife has accessed the soon to be ex-husbands email account and found evidence that he is hiding assets – can those emails be used in evidence? Can Facebook/ Twitter/ Social Media posts get you fired? Is there a difference between using OR OR ????
Can you run websites like…. Instead of
Post/forward items like..
And you can find out why these are about to become R10 million weapons of mass destruction!!!
General info What we cover in the course: Introduction to Cyber- and Telecommunications Law. E-Contracting and E-Commerce Law (Capita Selecta) Copyright and the Internet Domain Names and Trade Marks Data Protection and Privacy Content Regulation (hate speech, pornography, fake news, revenge porn, sexting etc) E-Evidence and Cybercrimes Artificial Intelligence, Robots, Big Data, Autonomous weapons, weaponized drones and the Law (Capita Selecta)
General info 1 assignment = 50 marks due end Sept 1 exam – open book – longer reading list Presented in Eng – but all tests etc in Afr as well – can ask questions in Afrikaans Tuesdays 9h30-11h30 – once a week – if you are unable to attend you will NOT pass the course Second semester