#43 Ch 12 S 2 Details: Read & Notes Ch 12 S 2 ________________ 11.5.1 Discuss the policies of Presidents Warren Harding, Calvin Coolidge, and Herbert Hoover.
Chapter 12: Politics of the Roaring Twenties Section 2: “Normalcy” and Isolationism
Objectives Following lecture and reading of this section, students will be able to: Contrast Harding’s policy of “normalcy” with the progressive era reforms Describe scandals that plagued the Harding administration
“Normalcy” Harding’s vision for the U.S. was a return to normalcy. A time before progressivism and WW I Simpler days, when Americans felt comfortable & secure Washington Naval Conference (1921): U.S., Britain, Japan, France, & Italy U.S.S.R not included because of their Communist govt. Agreement to disarm Kellogg-Briand Pact [Isolationism] (1928): Renounced war as national policy (15 countries) Did not provide means of enforcement
What up Dawes??? Conflicts between U.S. and Allies: U.S. wanted to collect $$$ owed from BRTN & FR The U.S. raised tariffs to 60% (highest ever) Fordney-McCumber Tariff (protect U.S. chemical & metals) It was then impossible for Britain and France to sell enough goods here in the U.S. to pay us back Banker, Charles Dawes mediates a re-payment plan Dawes Plan U.S. bankers loaned Germany $2.5 billion Germany pays Britain & France (fixed over time) Britain and France pay U.S. Ill will between U.S., Britain, and France (420)
Harding’s Ideals On domestic issues: Favored limited role of government in: Business Social reform Set up the Bureau of the Budget: BoB- help run the government more efficiently Asked U.S. Steel to abandon the 12 hour workday Cut taxes and reduced national debt (Treasury Sec.) Harding’s friends got caught in scandal Profiting from their powerful positions
Teapot Dome Scandal Land set aside for naval use was transferred to the Interior Department Albert B. Fall, head of the Interior Department got over $400,000 in loans, bonds, and cash He secretly leased the land to oil companies “in the government's interest” Fall was found guilty of bribery 1st American convicted of a felony while holding a cabinet position.
Ch 12 S 2 DQs What was Harding’s attitude towards the reforms of the Progressive era? Why was the Kellogg-Briand Pact ineffective? How did Harding’s tax policy on imports affect Britain and France and the war debt issue? How did Harding’s friends damage his administration? Describe the Teapot dome scandal in detail.
#43 Ch 12 S 2 Details: Read & Notes Ch 12 S 2 Margin ?s: A-C (3) Study Guide ?s 1-5 (5) 11.5.1 Discuss the policies of Presidents Warren Harding, Calvin Coolidge, and Herbert Hoover.