Warm-Up: Q). Why might someone (or some countries) chose to use fossil fuels over geothermal energy? VS.
Instructions Pick up an index card from the bin in the middle of your table. Put your first and last name in the top, right corner of the side with no lines You will be turning in this flash card at the end of class for points.
Step One: 10 minutes!!! Watch the brainpop video on biofuels. Link: You will need to login with the information below FIRST: Login: hickoryridge Password: middle Movie title: Biofuels If you do not have head phones, you need to turn your volume down low to watch this video. Take the Review Quiz when you are done and record your answers to the quiz on the side with no lines of the index card.
Biomass Biomass is energy from organic (or living matter). Biomass is different than fossil fuels because we are using plants that exist on Earth TODAY and fossil fuels are plants and animals that lived on our planet MILLIONS of years ago. Fossil fuels are abiotic (nonliving) energy sources and biomass are biotic (living) energy sources. There are two different ways to use this energy source: Biomass (to make electricity) Biofuels (To power cars or heat for your home)
BioMass 15 minutes!!! This link is about biomass. With biomass we burn things like wood and corn living TODAY to create electricity. After reading this web page fill in your chart advantages and disadvantages of biomass Renewable or nonrenewable Locations where is works best Then answer this question on the lined side of your note card: 1. How does this source turn a turbine to create electricity?
Biofuels: 15 minutes!!! The links below are about biofuels. Bacteria decompose living matter to get a gas we can burn. After reading these websites and watching the videos, on your Chart: Record 2 advantages and disadvantages of biofuels Answer the following 3 questions on the lined side of your flashcard. 2. What does it mean to be carbon neutral? 3. Name three types of gasses we get when bacteria break down living matter. 4. Why do people think that we shouldn’t use biofuels?
When you are done… Turn in your flash card to the bin on the front table. Work on your study guide I will stop class with the last 5 minutes and we will discuss your findings.