Technology Support Center Office 365 Outlook
Today’s Outlook Topics Email Personalize your Outlook Finding related messages Searching for email items Retracting or Replacing messages Contacts Creating Groups Adding Gmail account to Outlook Calendar E-mail Questions & Answers
Personalizing your inbox Changing the font size Select the View tab from the menu 3. Select the Other Settings button to change your font and font size 2. Select the View Settings Button
Personalizing your inbox Changing the font size 4. Select the Row Font button to increase the the font size for the email rows 5. Select the desired font settings, 6. Click OK on the Font box and then the Other Settings box Your inbox message rows should now display with the larger font selected.
Personalizing your inbox Changing your theme 1. Click on the File tab in the navigation ribbon 2. Click on Office Account 3. Choose your desired Office Background and Office Theme The Background option provides various patterns to decorate the area surrounding the navigation ribbon. The theme option changes the colorization of Outlook and your Office theme in general.
Finding Related Messages Occasionally, an email exchange gets out of control. You may take a few days to answer, someone else may answer late or refer to a previous email that you never read. At times like this, it is handy to be able to look at the original message and all the related messages so you won't look out of the loop.
Finding Related Messages Open Outlook and find a message related to the one you are looking for 2. Click on the message in the message list with the right mouse button and select Find related messages
Finding Related Messages All messages related to the original message are listed
Searching for items Basic Search To perform a basic search enter your search criteria in the search box. Outlook will return all messages with the search word anywhere in the sender name, subject, message body, or attachments.
Searching for items Advanced Search Options Refine: From Subject Has Attachments Categorized This Week – Timeframe Sent To Unread Flagged Importance Scope: All Mailboxes Current Mailbox Current Folder Sub Folders All Outlook Items Options: Recent Searches Search Tools Close: Close Search
Retract and Replace With message recall, a message that you sent is retrieved from the mailboxes of the recipients who haven’t yet opened it. You can also substitute a replacement message. For example, if you forgot to include an attachment, you can try to retract the message, and then send a replacement message that has the attachment. Message recall is available after you click Send and is available only if both you and the recipient have an Office 365 or Microsoft Exchange email account in the same organization. Go to your Sent Items folder and open the email you would like to retract Do not try to do this from the reading pane 2. On the message tab, select Actions then Recall This Message
Retract and Replace 3. Click Delete unread copies of this message or Delete unread copies and replace with a new message, and then click OK. 4. If you’re sending a replacement message, compose the message, and then click Send. NOTE: If the recall was successful, you will receive an email letting you know.
Creating Contact Groups Contact Groups vs Groups More information on O365 Groups to follow in the September 27th session.
Creating Contact Groups 1. On the navigation bar, select People 2. Under My Contacts, select the folder where you want to save the contact group. Usually, you will select Contacts. 3. On the Ribbon, select New Contact Group.
Creating Contact Groups 4. Give your contact group a name 5. Click Add Members, and then select where you will add people from. From Outlook Contacts, From Address Book or New E-mail Contac.
Creating Contact Groups Select which Address Book from the dropdown list you will search Enter the name you want to add and to the Group and click Go When name appears click the Members button to add them to the Group Continue searching until all members are added Click OK
Creating Contact Groups Click Save & Close The Group has been created and listed under Contacts
Add or remove members of a group Either double click on the name of the group or click on the Edit link Select either the Add Members or Remove Members button to add or remove.
Contact Group Ribbon
Adding your Gmail Calendar to Outlook 1. Log into your Gmail account and select your Calendar 3. Click the icon to display the options for your calendar 2. If your calendar is not expanded, click on the box to exapand it 4. Choose Settings and Sharing
Adding your Gmail calendar to Outlook 5. Choose your calendar and select Calendar settings. 6. Scroll down to Secret address in iCal format 7. Select and copy the adress
Adding your Gmail calendar to Outlook 8. Open Outlook and navigate the to Calendar 9. Right click on Other Calendars 10. Select Add Calendar 11. Then select From Internet 12. Paste the address you copied earlier and click OK 13. Confirm you would like to add your Internet Calendar by clicking the Yes button
Adding your Gmail calendar to Outlook You will now see your calender under Other Calendars
Adding your Gmail account to Outlook Log into your Gmail account Open the Settings page by clicking the little Gear button
Adding your Gmail account to Outlook Click on the Forwarding and POP/IMAP tab Make sure IMAP is enabled Click on Save Changes
Adding your Gmail account to Outlook Select Accounts and Import on the Settings menu Select Other Google Account settings
Adding your Gmail account to Outlook On the next screen click on the Apps with Account access link
Adding your Gmail account to Outlook Toggle the Allow less secure apps: to the ON position
Adding your Gmail account to Outlook Go back to Outlook and select File on the menu Under the Info section, click on Add Account
Adding your Gmail account to Outlook Enter Your name, E-mail Address, and Password and click Next When Outlook completes the setup, click Finish
Adding your Gmail account to Outlook You will now see your Gmail account in your list of accounts
Questions & Answers