Natural Area Teaching Laboratory Annual Report. 2008-2009 Doug Levey Chair, 2007-09
34th Street NATL-East NATL-West Archer Rd (As shown in this 2000 aerial photo) NATL is 60 acres south of CP and the EYN building. It consists of two conservation areas: NATL-west and NATL-east (added in 2005)
Proposed Activities for 2008-09 Finish developing NATL-east Build new walkway (200 ft across wooded marsh) Produce content for kiosk Finish basic trail guides for all trails Host a ribbon-cutting ceremony for trails Advertise NATL to departments; record use of NATL Continue eradication of exotic species Continue pine restoration (burning & planting) Revise kiosk content and signs (as needed) 3
Completed Activities 2008-09 Finish developing NATL-east Build new walkway (200 ft across wooded marsh) Produce content for kiosk Finish basic trail guides for all trails Host a ribbon-cutting ceremony for trails Advertise NATL to departments; record use of NATL Continue eradication of exotic species Continue pine restoration (burning & planting) Revise kiosk content and signs (on-going) Still working on this 4
NATL-east Walkway Built by Tom Walker and Bob Guggenheim from mostly scrap lumber
We are moving away from trail guides, replacing them with stake signs 20% of plant species at NATL now have stake signs.
Self-Guided Nature Trails 3 Nov 2008: Student Body President Kevin Reilly and UF President Bernie Machen cut “ribbon” to open trails.
Survey of Use College Department # of courses/yr # of students/yr Agriculture & Life Sciences Entomology & Nematology 16 505 Forest Resources & Conservation 4 135 Plant Pathology 1 5 Soil & Water Science 35 Liberal Arts & Sciences Botany 6 327 Zoology 52 Education Teaching and Learning 24 Engineering Environmental Engineering Sciences 2 47 SUM 36 1160
2008-09 Minigrants 1. NATL without borders: a community approach for management of invasives. Gerardo Celis & Corrie Pieterson Brochure Ardisia removal Files for an invasives layer in NATL’s GIS map 2. Historical context of NATL. David Munroe Digitized records
Miscellaneous TrailMaster camera purchased to record trail use. Burns and planting of wiregrass and lopsided Indian grass plugs Mapped and measured original pines in NATL-east Updated and enhanced online vascular plant list Jack Putz: new chair of NAAC
Budget Report and Spending Plan “[The chair of NATL] … will annually submit a spending plan to the Lakes, Vegetation and Landscaping Committee (LVLC) for its approval, and the Chair of NAAC will submit an annual report about the uses of endowment funds to LVLC.” See handout
2009-10 Proposed Budget Funds available for 2009-10 (excluding stipend for TA) Brought forward from 2008-09 $309 Projected income for 2009-10 Provost $2,100 NATL endowment $4,800 Sum $6,900 Grand Total $7,209
2009-10 Proposed Budget Spending plan for 2009-10 Budgeted Routine expenses $1,000 Undergraduate assistant $3,952 Minigrant program Soil pit $500 Sum $6,452 Reserved $757 Grand Total $7,209
Naming request On 6 October 2009, the NAAC unanimously approved a letter requesting that the NATL Conservation Area be named in honor of Tom Walker: “Thomas Walker NATL Conservation Area”