SSN’s are constructed in the following manner: Always the first 3 digits: 986 Next Two digits classroom number: CL (01-25) Next two digits Student Number: SN (01-50) Next two digits record available: RA Student number 12 in classroom number 03 looking at SFC Leonard would have a Social Security number of 986-03-1204 UICs go are constructed in the following manner: First two are the Classroom: CL (01-25) Middle Letter is the Company: C (A,B,C,D,E) Last two are dependant on the Student number: SN (01-50) (note: each company only has 10 Students) Example: Classroom 10 student 23 would have UIC : 10C23 The “%” is a wildcard for iPERMS searchs. If you want the students to pull the entire Brigade roster then you can use the classroom number and %%%. That will display all Records in that classroom.