Star Students Calendar Math 12/4-12/8 12/23-1/7 – Winter Break Literacy This week we will continue daily practice of our Jolly Phonics sounds and sight words. Please continue to support this at home daily. Our book of the week is “Hello” and the sight word is “was”. In Reading Workshop students will continue practicing the strategy “Chunky Monkey” from last week. Students will also be using word sorts with –at, -ot, -it. Working with these word families helps them identify and read chunks of words. Your children have been doing a great job using their reading strategies. When reading at home, you can prompt your child when they come to a word they don’t know with, “What strategy could use?” In Writing Workshop students will work in the List & Labels Unit. We will read books that model different styles of writing that use the list an label format. Calendar 12/23-1/7 – Winter Break 1/15 – MLK Jr. Day/ No School 1/17 – IF PTO – 7:00-8:30 1/19 – Institute Day/ No School Birthdays No Birthdays this Week! Math This week in Math, students will finish Module 5. Students will practice using spatial language such as below, above, and beside. We will play a game and put objects on a bookshelf by following spatial language directions. For example, “Put the bear beside the ball.” Then we will move on to Module 6. In this Module students will learn that addition is putting together and adding to. They will represent addition situations and solve addition equations within 5. Star Students 12/4 Hailey 12/5 Amelia 12/6 Jacob 12/7 Andrew 12/8 Abby *Star student gets to bring in a show and tell.