I can identify and classify the bones of vertebral column. Objective: I can identify and classify the bones of vertebral column. Agenda: Go over Exit Ticket Notes over Vertebral Column Vertebral Column Worksheet Exit Ticket
7-6 The Vertebral Column The Vertebral Column (Spine) ___________________ Supports the head and body __________________ bones 24 vertebrae, the sacrum, and the coccyx
Figure 7-16 The Vertebral Column Spinal Curves Vertebral Regions Primary curves develop before birth, and secondary curves after birth. Regions are defined by anatomical characteristics of individual vertebrae. The cervical curve, a secondary curve, develops as the infant learns to balance the weight of the head on the vertebrae of the neck. Cervical (7 vertebrae) The thoracic curve, a primary curve, accommodates the thoracic organs. Thoracic (12 vertebrae) The lumbar curve, a secondary curve, balances the weight of the trunk over the lower limbs; it develops with the ability to stand. Lumbar (5 vertebrae) The sacral curve, a primary curve, accommodates the abdominopelvic organs. Sacral Coccygeal 3
7-6 The Vertebral Column Vertebrae ____________ The upper back Seven cervical vertebrae The upper back ___________________ Each articulates with one or more pair of ribs The lower back _______________________
7-6 The Vertebral Column The Sacrum and Coccyx The fifth lumbar vertebra articulates with the sacrum ________________________
7-6 The Vertebral Column Four Spinal Curves __________ Thoracic curve ______________ Sacral curve
7-6 The Vertebral Column Thoracic and Sacral Curves Are ________________(present during fetal development) Or accommodation curves (accommodate internal organs) Lumbar and Cervical Curves Are called __________________(appear after birth) Or ____________________(shift body weight for upright posture)
7-6 The Vertebral Column Vertebral Anatomy The _______________(centrum) Transfers weight along the spine The __________________ Posterior margin of vertebral foramen The _______________________ Lateral projections between laminae and pedicles
Figure 7-18a Vertebral Anatomy Articular processes Vertebral arch Vertebral body The major components of a typical vertebra 9
7-6 The Vertebral Column Vertebral Anatomy The ________________ Pedicles Walls of the vertebral arch _______________ Roof of the vertebral arch
7-6 The Vertebral Column Vertebral Anatomy The vertebral arch ________________ Projection where vertebral laminae fuse _________________ Projection where laminae join pedicles
Figure 7-18b Vertebral Anatomy Superior articular process Pedicle Transverse process Vertebral body Spinous process Inferior articular facet Arrow passing through vertebral foramen Inferior articular process A lateral and slightly inferior view of a vertebra 12
Figure 7-18c Vertebral Anatomy Spinous process Superior articular process Inferior articular process Transverse process Pedicle Inferior articular facet Vertebral foramen Vertebral body An inferior view of a vertebra 13
7-6 The Vertebral Column Vertebral Foramina _______________________ Gaps between pedicles of adjacent vertebrae For nerve connections to spinal cord ____________________ Formed by vertebral foramina Encloses the spinal cord
7-6 The Vertebral Column Intervertebral Discs __________________ Separate the vertebral bodies ______________
Figure 7-18d Vertebral Anatomy Superior articular facets Superior articular process Lamina of vertebral arch Spinous process Intervertebral disc Transverse process Vertebral body Inferior articular process An posterior view of three articulated vertebrae 16
Figure 7-18e Vertebral Anatomy Superior articular facets Lamina of vertebral arch Intervertebral foramen Intervertebral disc Spinous process Transverse process Vertebral body Inferior articular facet Arrow passing through vertebral canal A lateral and sectional view of three articulated vertebrae 17
7-7 Vertebral Regions Vertebral Regions __________________ By region, from top (superior) to bottom (inferior) __________ articulates with skull, L5 with sacrum Vertebrae of each region Have characteristics determined by functions
7-7 Vertebral Regions Regions of the Vertebral Column _________ Thoracic (T) ___________
7-7 Vertebral Regions The Cervical Vertebrae Small body (support only head) Large vertebral foramen (largest part of spinal cord) Concave superior surface Slope posterior to anterior _____________________ All others have short spinous processes Tip of each spinous process is notched (bifid)
Figure 7-19a The Cervical Vertebrae Spinous process of vertebra prominens C7 A lateral view of the cervical vertebrae, C1–C7 21
Figure 7-19b The Cervical Vertebrae Vertebral arch Spinous process Lamina Vertebral foramen Superior articular process Pedicle Vertebral body Transverse process Superior articular facet Transverse foramen Costal process A superior view of a representative cervical vertebra showing characteristics of C3–C6. Notice the typical features listed in Table 7–2. 22
Figure 7-19c The Cervical Vertebrae Superior articular process Transverse process Inferior articular process Spinous process Bifid tip of spinous process Location of transverse foramen Inferior articular facet Vertebral body A lateral view of the same vertebra as in b. 23
7-7 Vertebral Regions The Cervical Vertebrae ___________ Articulates with occipital condyles of skull ____________________________ Has a large, round foramen within anterior and posterior arches
7-7 Vertebral Regions The Cervical Vertebrae Axis (C2) _____________________ Has heavy spinous process _____________________________ Axis and atlas bodies fuse during development to form the ________
Figure 7-19d The Cervical Vertebrae Dens of axis Anterior arch Transverse ligament Atlas (C1) Posterior arch Axis (C2) The atlas (C1) and axis (C2). 26
7-7 Vertebral Regions The Cervical Vertebrae ____________________ Has a long spinous process with a broad tubercle Has large transverse processes Ligamentum nuchae (elastic ligament) extends from C7 to skull
7-7 Vertebral Regions Thoracic Vertebrae (T1–T12) Have heart-shaped bodies ___________________ Smaller vertebral foramen than in C1–C7 _____________________ Dorsolateral surfaces of body have costal facets Which articulate with heads of ribs
7-7 Vertebral Regions Thoracic Vertebrae (T1–T12) T1–T8 articulate with two pairs of ribs At superior and inferior costal facets T9–T11 articulate with one pair of ribs T10–T12 transition to lumbar vertebrae
Figure 7-20a The Thoracic Vertebrae Intervertebral foramen T4 T5 T6 Thoracic vertebrae (T1–T12) T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 T12 A lateral view of the thoracic region of the vertebral column. The vertebra prominems (C7) resembles T1, but lacks facets for rib articulation. Vertebra T12 resembles the first lumbar vertebra (L1) but has a facet for rib articulation. 30
Figure 7-20b The Thoracic Vertebrae Spinous process Transverse process Lamina Transverse costal facet Superior articular facet Vertebral foramen Superior costal facet Vertebral body Thoracic vertebra, superior view. 31
Figure 7-20c The Thoracic Vertebrae Superior articular facet Superior costal facet for head of superior rib Transverse costal facet for tubercle of superior rib Transverse process Vertebral body Spinous process Inferior costal facet for head of inferior rib Thoracic vertebra, lateral view. 32
7-7 Vertebral Regions Lumbar Vertebrae (L1–L5) ____________ ______________ Thicker bodies than T1–T12 No costal or transverse costal facets Triangular vertebral foramen
7-7 Vertebral Regions Lumbar Vertebrae (L1–L5) Transverse processes __________ Project dorsolaterally Spinous process ____________ For attachment of lower back muscles
Figure 7-21a The Lumbar Vertebrae Sacrum Coccyx A lateral view of the lumbar vertebrae and sacrum 35
Figure 7-21b The Lumbar Vertebrae Superior articular process Pedicle Transverse process Vertebral body Spinous process Inferior articular process Inferior articular facet A lateral view of a typical lumbar vertebra 36
Figure 7-21c The Lumbar Vertebrae Spinous process Superior articular facet Lamina Superior articular process Transverse process Transverse process Vertebral foramen Pedicle Vertebral body A superior view of the same vertebra shown in part b 37
7-7 Vertebral Regions The Sacrum _________________________ Protects reproductive, urinary, and digestive organs Attaches: The axial skeleton to pelvic girdle of appendicular skeleton Broad muscles that move the thigh
7-7 Vertebral Regions The Sacrum The adult sacrum ______________________________ Fuses between puberty and ages 25–30 Leaving transverse lines Sacral canal Replaces the vertebral canal
7-7 Vertebral Regions The Sacrum __________________ Fused spinous processes Four pairs of sacral foramina open to either side ___________________ Fused transverse processes Attach to muscles of lower back and hip
7-7 Vertebral Regions The Sacrum Base __________ Sacral promontory The broad superior surface __________ Wings at either side of the base To attach muscles Sacral promontory At the center of the base ___________ The narrow inferior portion Articulates with the coccyx
7-7 Vertebral Regions The Coccyx Attaches ligaments and a constricting muscle of the anus Mature coccyx Consists _____________________________ First two coccygeal vertebrae Have transverse processes Have unfused vertebral arches Coccygeal cornua Formed by laminae of first coccygeal vertebra
Figure 7-22a The Sacrum and Coccyx Articular process Entrance to sacral canal Sacral tuberosity Lateral sacral crest Median sacral crest Sacral hiatus Sacral cornu Coccygeal cornu A posterior view 43
Figure 7-22b The Sacrum and Coccyx Sacral promontory Auricular surface Lateral sacral crest Median sacral crest Sacral cornu Sacral curve Coccygeal cornu Coccyx A lateral view from the right side 44
Figure 7-22c The Sacrum and Coccyx Base Sacral promontory Ala Ala Sacral foramina Transverse lines Apex Coccyx An anterior view 45