The Revolutions of 1830 & 1848 & the Rise of Nationalism Honors World History Ms. Garratt
Congress of Vienna Three goals: Concert of Europe Victory for Conservatives Failed however, to foresee rise of nationalism
Three Ideologies Conservatives Liberals Radicals Usually wealthy property owners & nobility Wanted to protect monarchies of Europe Opposed changes caused by Fr Rev Liberals Mostly middle class business leaders & merchants Wanted more power to elected parliaments Only educated & landowners should vote Radicals Favored drastic changes to extend demo to all Believed gov should practice ideals of Fr Rev (lib, eqa, fr) Wanted republican form of gov
What is Nationalism? Nationalism is loyalty to a nation or people who share some or all of the following: History Culture Language Nationality Religion Territory
Nation-state When a nation had its own independent gov it became a nation-state In 1815 only Fr, England & Spain could be called nation-states Most of those who believed in nation-states were libs or rads German middle class libs wanted unification Lib Hungs in empires wanted self-rule
Greeks gain independence 1st people to win self-rule are Greeks They rebel against the Turks in 1821 WHY were they able to win independence despite pledges at COV? Russians felt connection to Gr Orthodox X who were ruled by Ottoman Muslims Educated Europeans respected ancient Gr culture and sided with the Greeks Battle of Navarino in 1827 1830 Brit, Fr & Russ sign treaty guaranteeing an independent Greece
Revolutions of 1830s Old order established by COV was imploding. Liberals and Nationalists were openly revolting against conservative governments. Belgium Italy Poles All failed (except Belgium) due to overpowering strength of the Concert of Europe
Revolutions of 1848 See page 245 “When France sneezes the rest of Europe catches cold.” Ethnic uprisings Vienna Prague Budapest Poland Gains would be lost within a year Revolutionaries failed to unite Conservatives regained power
Why the Revolutions of 1830s and 1848 Failed? Nationalist/liberal movement will fail because of lack of unity among groups Some wanted political changes “ “ economic changes
Radicals in France 1830 - 1848 It was only in France that the radical goal of democractic gov was the main goal of the rev King Charles X – tried to restablish abs monarchy in 1830 Sparked riots that forced him to flee Replaced by Louis Philippe Louis-Philippe – liberal Overthrown and republic was established Republic fell apart almost immediately because radicals split into factions Pol vs econ goals Differences led to bloody riots which alienated the mainstream citizens Louis Napoleon becomes president and 4 yrs later emperor Tremendous growth econ
Reform in Russia Russ was backward & weak – not yet industrialized Feudal system existed, serfs bound to nobles Many believed the system was immoral & that serfdom should end; others believed it prevented the country from advancing. However, Czar would not free the serfs because it meant alienating the nobles which he needed
Defeat brings change Lack of development was made apparent during the Crimean War 1853. Czar Nicholas I threatened to take over part of the Ottoman Empire but Russia’s industries & transp system failed to provide adequate supplies for the country’s troops. As a result Russia lost the war Czar Alex II decided to push for modernization & social change that would allow Russia to compete with Europe for world power
Abolition of serfdom Took place in 1861 Serfs were legally free but debt still tied them to the land Pol & social reforms ground to a halt when Alex II was assassinated But modernization continued and was motivated by nationalism as nations began to compete with one another.
Disintegration of three empires Austria Russia Ottoman Gradually, however all three will be lost by the end of world War I
Disintegration of Empires - Austria Hapsburg Dynasty Polyglot of different ethnicities
Decline of Ottoman Empire - Turks Slow decline in Eastern Europe
Nationalist Groups that Seek Unification Groups that are divided by empires or rule of others Two major countries that sought unification in the late 1870s are: Germany Italy
Unification of Italy Victor Emanuelle Camillo di Cavour Garibaldi Napoleon Garibaldi Red Shirts
Unification of Germany Prussian Junker - Otto von Bismarck Realpolitik Schleswig-Holstein War 1864 ustria & Prussia) Seven Weeks’ War 1866 (against Austria) Franco-Prussian War (1870) For what purpose did Bismarck use war? Second Reich established – Wilhelm I B/P created at COV had crumbled Germany & Britain dominate
Russia Backwards Crimea War Reform & industrialization Alex II Edict of Emancipation Assassination of Alex II led to repressive policies Economic Jews