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Presentation transcript:


KEY VOCAB 09: WORDS 1, 2 Meteorology (n) the branch of science concerned with the processes and phenomena of the atmosphere Algorithm (n) a process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations

Addressing Misconceptions Students may think that oceans are unrelated to weather. Oceans play an important role in both climate and weather patterns. Students may think that oceans have no effect on Earth’s climate. The ocean plays a determining role in Earth’s climate because of its ability to absorb, store, and transport heat from the Sun. Oceans respond very slowly to changes in temperature, and this results in their having a moderating effect on climate.

USING YOUR “DO NOW” SHEET – TUESDAY, 5/23 QUESTION: Name a greenhouse gas. RECALL: Some thermal energy from the ocean water released into the atmosphere radiates into space, but some is absorbed by Earth’s greenhouse gases. These gases trap and keep thermal energy within the atmosphere with the result of maintaining a livable temperature. ANSWER: Carbon dioxide is one of these greenhouse gases. There is concern that the increase in emissions of carbon dioxide from human industrial development over the past 100 years has resulted in an increase in the amount of energy being held in the atmosphere. Methane is another gas.

Blocks thermal energy from escaping back into space KEY VOCAB 09: WORDS 3, 4, 5 3. Greenhouse gases (adj/n) Blocks thermal energy from escaping back into space 4. Fossil Fuels (adj/n) Formed over millions of years from dead plants and animals 5. Cryosphere (n) The part of the earth's surface where water exists as ice

The climate that we live in is a result of ocean currents. What is unique about the water near Antarctica? How does it drive global ocean circulation? Coldest, densest water on planet – The Gulf Stream takes root in Antarctica. The climate that we live in is a result of ocean currents.

Summarize the path of global ocean circulation. A SERIES OF LOOPS- It begins COLD. It travels towards the EQUATOR. There is mixing of COLD, deep ocean currents with WARM surface currents. It joins other ocean currents. Returns South and cools once more. Back to Antarctica and FREEZES Releases SALT to COMPLETE the cycle.

Draw the Great Ocean Conveyor Belt

In what ways are Earth's oceans and atmosphere connected? The Gulf Stream takes warm water from the Gulf of Mexico north, generating warm air. The current, Kuroshio, carries heat from China north to Japan. Heat is redistributed from the oceans to the atmosphere in a loop.

What role has ocean circulation played in creating a habitable planet? Slow-moving currents regulate the average temperatures of the oceans to within 1 degree. Stability for weather patterns  climate. Complex animals and plants to evolve. Arctic ice sustains our world.

What might happen if ocean water stopped circulating around the world? Wild swings in temperature may occur causing harmful effects to climate. Instability would cause harm to life or further evolution.

What do you think might cause the ocean water to stop circulating around the world? Student Sample Answers GREENHOUSE GASES – block thermal energy from escaping back into space which cause rapid melting of ice (i.e. cryosphere) POLLUTION – dumping litter and oil spills