Castallo and Silky LLC Jessica Cohen and Alan Pole, Consultants School Facilities Use Study Oneida City School District Advisory Committee Meeting April 19, 2018 Castallo and Silky LLC Jessica Cohen and Alan Pole, Consultants
Purpose of the Study In considering 2-3 prioritized options, is there a better way educationally and fiscally to reconfigure the grades and facilities to provide a sound instructional program now and in the future? If so, how should the grades and facilities be arranged? Castallo & Silky LLC-Education Consultants
Previous Meeting Take Aways The district’s enrollment has declined from 2,211 in 2012-13 to 1,948 in 2017-18 and will likely continue to decline. The grade configuration (K-5, 6-8, 9-12) is a common arrangement. The elementary instructional program is comparable across all four schools. The Middle School and High School programs are typical for a school district of this size. The neighborhood school concept has been embraced by Oneida for the location of its elementary schools. The Building Condition Survey has identified approximately $20,000,000 of work to be considered in the district’s facilities. Castallo & Silky LLC-Education Consultants
Previous Meeting Take Aways The current elementary school class sizes are well below guidelines set by policy, general procedures, and the teacher contract. The concept of grade center schools would reduce the number of elementary sections by approximately 8. The district has few students who walk to school. The average ride for students is about 40 minutes. The district uses a double trip system bringing high school and middle school students to school early and elementary students on a later a.m. run. This is reversed in the afternoon. There are 56 trips daily. Moving to a grade center plan would not impact transportation significantly. Closing one elementary building would reduce the number of trips daily and show savings in staffing. Castallo & Silky LLC-Education Consultants
For this study, 3 feasible options have been identified: status quo, grade centers, and consolidation of sections at Willard Prior. Redistricting elementary school boundaries might also be another option. It is recommended that any reductions in positions arising from this study be accomplished through attrition Savings can be realized by creating grade center schools or by consolidating the number of sections at Willard Prior Castallo & Silky LLC-Education Consultants
Follow Up From Previous Meetings
Class Sizes in 2017-18 & in 2022-23
Class Sizes in 2017-18 & in 2022-23 With 1 School Closed
Utility Costs Savings if Building is Closed
Financial Overview
Budget Vote History
Bus Vote History
Capital Project Vote History
History of Full Value Tax Rates Full value is determined by dividing the assessed valuation of taxable property of the district by the equalization rate(s) of the city, town(s), or village(s) that make up the school district. Full valuation is generally a larger figure than the assessed value. Assuming that the equalization rates have been accurately established, real property parcels of identical value, which have been assessed by diverse local standards, would have the same full valuation.
History of Assessed Value Tax Rates
History of Restricted Fund Balance
History of Assigned Fund Balance
History of Unassigned Fund Balance
Budget Overview 2017-18 Budget: $44,230,233 2016-17 Budget: $42,757,677 2016-17 Expenses: Instruction-80.3% General Support-8.6% Transportation-7.1% Food Service-2.0% Debt Service-2.0% 2016-17 Revenue: State & Federal Aid-53.6% Property Taxes-38.4% Grants-5.5% Other-1.3% Charge for Services-0.7% OIN Settlement-0.5%
The Future of the Budget Expenses: Salary increases of ?% Health insurance premium increases Pension cost increases Building Condition Survey-$20,000,000 Unfunded mandates Revenues: Property tax cap of “2%/year” Uncertain increases in state aid
Financial Implications for Various Options
Option 1-Status Quo No financial savings
Option 2-Grade Center Plan Reduction of 8 elementary classrooms/teachers=8 x $103,782=$830,256
Option 3-Close 1 Elementary School in 2022-23 Staffing-Reduction of 12 elementary classroom teachers, 1 PE teacher, 1 LMS, 1 nurse, 2 cafeteria staff, 2 custodial staff, 1 principal, & 1 12-month clerical=$1,878,165 Transportation-??? Utilities-Approximately $15,000
Option 4-Combine Sections at WP Reduction of 3 elementary classrooms/teachers=3 x $103,782=$311,346 Possible relocation of district office into 4 classrooms at WP; 1 time sale revenue of $300,000
Summary of Annual Savings by Option
Questions ???? Castallo & Silky LLC-Education Consultants